Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle.




net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0056
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0014
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 001
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0068
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 00145
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 00104
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0066
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0030
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 001
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0036
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 00124
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0067
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0023
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0021
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0034
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 00117
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0024
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0021
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 001
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/ 0033
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/implementation/ 00117
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/implementation/ 00205
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/implementation/ 00164
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/implementation/ 0069
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/implementation/ 0015
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/implementation/package.html 001
net/sf/mmapps/modules/config/package.html 001


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error '{' should be on a new line. 8
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 12
Error Line has trailing spaces. 13
Error Line contains a tab character. 17
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 17
Error Expected @param tag for 'name'. 17
Error Line has trailing spaces. 18
Error Line contains a tab character. 18
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 22
Error Line has trailing spaces. 23
Error Line has trailing spaces. 25
Error Line contains a tab character. 28
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 28
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 33
Error Line has trailing spaces. 34
Error Line has trailing spaces. 36
Error Line contains a tab character. 39
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 39
Error Line has trailing spaces. 40
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 41
Error Line has trailing spaces. 42
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 43
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 43
Error Line has trailing spaces. 44
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 45
Error Line contains a tab character. 45
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 45
Error Line has trailing spaces. 46
Error Line contains a tab character. 46
Error Line contains a tab character. 47
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 47
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 47
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 49
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 52
Error Line has trailing spaces. 53
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 54
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 54
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 56
Error Line has trailing spaces. 57
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 59
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 61
Error Line has trailing spaces. 62
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 63
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 63
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 64
Error Line has trailing spaces. 65
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 66
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 66
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 67
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 67


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error '{' should be on a new line. 7
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 9
Error '{' should be on a new line. 9
Error Method 'getApplicationConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 13
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
Error Parameter index should be final. 13
Error '{' should be on a new line. 13
Error Method 'getApplicationConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 17
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
Error Parameter name should be final. 17
Error '{' should be on a new line. 17
Error '{' should be on a new line. 18
Error '{' should be on a new line. 20


Error File does not end with a newline. 0


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - net.sf.mmapps.modules.config.implementation.*. 2
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 4
Error '{' should be on a new line. 6
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 9
Error Name 'nodeManagerConfigurations' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 9
Error Variable 'nodeManagerConfigurations' must be private and have accessor methods. 9
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
Error Name 'applicationConfigurations' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 12
Error Variable 'applicationConfigurations' must be private and have accessor methods. 12
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
Error Name 'configurationFactory' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 13
Error Variable 'configurationFactory' must be private and have accessor methods. 13
Error Line has trailing spaces. 15
Error '{' should be on a new line. 17
Error Line has trailing spaces. 23
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 24
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 27
Error Method 'addNodeManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 27
Error Parameter nodeManagerConfiguration should be final. 27
Error '{' should be on a new line. 27
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 33
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 34
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 36
Error Method 'addApplicationConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 36
Error Parameter applicationConfiguration should be final. 36
Error '{' should be on a new line. 36
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 42
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 44
Error Method 'getNodeManagerConfigurationFromRoot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 44
Error Parameter name should be final. 44
Error '{' should be on a new line. 44
Error Line has trailing spaces. 51
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 53
Error Method 'getNodeManagerConfigurationFromApplication' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 53
Error Parameter appName should be final. 53
Error Parameter name should be final. 53
Error '{' should be on a new line. 53
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 54
Error '{' should be on a new line. 55
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 56
Error Line has trailing spaces. 61
Error Method 'getNodeManagerConfigurations' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 64
Error '{' should be on a new line. 64
Error Method 'getApplicationConfigurations' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 68
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 68
Error '{' should be on a new line. 68
Error Method 'getNodeManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 72
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 72
Error Parameter name should be final. 72
Error '{' should be on a new line. 72
Error '{' should be on a new line. 76
Error '{' should be on a new line. 77
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 78
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 79
Error '{' should be on a new line. 80
Error Method 'createApplicationConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 88
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 88
Error '{' should be on a new line. 88
Error Method 'createFieldConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 92
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 92
Error '{' should be on a new line. 92
Error Method 'createNodeManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 96
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 96
Error '{' should be on a new line. 96
Error Method 'createRelationManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 100
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 100
Error '{' should be on a new line. 100


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 12
Error '{' should be on a new line. 12
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 14
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
Error Parameter config should be final. 14
Error Parameter data should be final. 14
Error '{' should be on a new line. 14
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 19
Error '{' should be on a new line. 22
Error '{' should be on a new line. 25
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 26
Error '{' should be on a new line. 27
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 28
Error '{' should be on a new line. 29
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 31
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 32
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 33
Error '{' should be on a new line. 33
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 34
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 37
Error '{' should be on a new line. 37
Error '{' should be on a new line. 39
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 43
Error '{' should be on a new line. 43
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 44
Error '{' should be on a new line. 45
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 46
Error '{' should be on a new line. 47
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 49
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 57
Error '{' should be on a new line. 57
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 58
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 61
Error '{' should be on a new line. 61
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 62
Error '{' should be on a new line. 63
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 64
Error '{' should be on a new line. 65
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 67
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 68
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 69
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 70
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 71
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 72
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 73
Error '{' should be on a new line. 73
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 74
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 85
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 85
Error Parameter configuration should be final. 85
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 85
Error Parameter data should be final. 85
Error '{' should be on a new line. 85
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 86
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 91
Error '{' should be on a new line. 98
Error '{' should be on a new line. 102
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 104
Error '{' should be on a new line. 104
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 106
Error '{' should be on a new line. 106
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 108
Error '{' should be on a new line. 108
Error '{' should be on a new line. 110
Error '{' should be on a new line. 112
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 113
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 114
Error '{' should be on a new line. 114
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 115
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 116
Error '{' should be on a new line. 116
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 117
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 120
Error '{' should be on a new line. 120
Error '{' should be on a new line. 122
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 124
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 126
Error '{' should be on a new line. 126
Error '{' should be on a new line. 128
Error '{' should be on a new line. 131
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 133
Error '{' should be on a new line. 133
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 134
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 137
Error '{' should be on a new line. 137
Error '{' should be on a new line. 139
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 141
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 141
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 142
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 144
Error '{' should be on a new line. 144
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 145
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 152
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 152
Error Parameter config should be final. 152
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 152
Error Parameter xmlField should be final. 152
Error '{' should be on a new line. 152
Error '{' should be on a new line. 155
Error '{' should be on a new line. 157
Error '{' should be on a new line. 159
Error '{' should be on a new line. 161
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 162
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 163
Error '{' should be on a new line. 163
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 165
Error '{' should be on a new line. 165
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 166
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 169
Error '{' should be on a new line. 169
Error '{' should be on a new line. 171
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 173
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 175
Error '{' should be on a new line. 175
Error '{' should be on a new line. 177
Error '{' should be on a new line. 179
Error '{' should be on a new line. 181
Error '{' should be on a new line. 183
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 185
Error '{' should be on a new line. 185
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 187
Error '{' should be on a new line. 187
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 189
Error '{' should be on a new line. 189
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 190
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 193
Error '{' should be on a new line. 193
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 194
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 198
Error '{' should be on a new line. 198
Error '{' should be on a new line. 200
Error '{' should be on a new line. 202
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 204
Error '{' should be on a new line. 204
Error '{' should be on a new line. 207
Error '{' should be on a new line. 210
Error '{' should be on a new line. 213
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 214
Error '{' should be on a new line. 216
Error '{' should be on a new line. 219
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 220
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 222
Error '{' should be on a new line. 222
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 223


Error Line does not match expected header line of '================================='. 2
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided -*. 3
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.util.*. 4
Error Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 13
Error '{' should be on a new line. 13
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 15
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
Error Parameter config should be final. 15
Error Parameter baseDir should be final. 15
Error '{' should be on a new line. 15
Error '{' should be on a new line. 16
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 19
Error '{' should be on a new line. 20
Error '{' should be on a new line. 23
Error '{' should be on a new line. 27
Error '{' should be on a new line. 31
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 32
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 33
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 34
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 35
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 38
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 45
Error '{' should be on a new line. 46
Error '{' should be on a new line. 49
Error '{' should be on a new line. 52
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 53
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 60
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 65
Error Parameter appconfig should be final. 65
Error Parameter basedir should be final. 65
Error '{' should be on a new line. 65
Error '{' should be on a new line. 66
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 68
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 71
Error '{' should be on a new line. 73
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 74
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 75
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 76
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 77
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 80
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 90
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 93
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 99
Error '{' should be on a new line. 99
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 101
Error '{' should be on a new line. 101
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 109
Error Method length is 153 lines (max allowed is 150). 109
Error Parameter appconfig should be final. 109
Error Expected @param tag for 'appconfig'. 109
Error '{' should be on a new line. 109
Error '{' should be on a new line. 117
Error '{' should be on a new line. 121
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 133
Error '{' should be on a new line. 134
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 135
Error '{' should be on a new line. 145
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 147
Error '{' should be on a new line. 147
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 153
Error '{' should be on a new line. 166
Error '{' should be on a new line. 168
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 187
Error '{' should be on a new line. 188
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 189
Error '{' should be on a new line. 207
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 209
Error '{' should be on a new line. 209
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 214
Error '{' should be on a new line. 219
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 220
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 225
Error '{' should be on a new line. 227
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 230
Error '{' should be on a new line. 230
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 245
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 264
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 266
Error Parameter nodeManagerConfiguration should be final. 266
Error Expected @param tag for 'nodeManagerConfiguration'. 266
Error '{' should be on a new line. 266
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 268
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 271
Error '{' should be on a new line. 276
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 279
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 291
Error '{' should be on a new line. 292
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 297
Error '{' should be on a new line. 302
Error '{' should be on a new line. 315
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 320
Error '{' should be on a new line. 330
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 341
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 348
Error Parameter fieldConfigurations should be final. 348
Error Expected @param tag for 'fieldConfigurations'. 348
Error '{' should be on a new line. 348
Error '{' should be on a new line. 351
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 352
Error '{' should be on a new line. 360
Error '{' should be on a new line. 376
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 423
Error '{' should be on a new line. 425
Error '{' should be on a new line. 428


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Line has trailing spaces. 5
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 10
Error '{' should be on a new line. 10
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 14
Error Expected @param tag for 'lang'. 14
Error Line contains a tab character. 15
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 15
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 15
Error Line has trailing spaces. 16
Error Line has trailing spaces. 17
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 18
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 22
Error Line contains a tab character. 23
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 23
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 28
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 33
Error Expected @param tag for 'lang'. 33
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 34
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 34
Error Line has trailing spaces. 35
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 39
Error Line contains a tab character. 40
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 40
Error Line has trailing spaces. 41
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 45
Error Line contains a tab character. 46
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 46
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 51
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 52
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 57
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 58
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 63
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 64
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 70
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 71
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 71
Error Line has trailing spaces. 72
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 78
Error Line contains a tab character. 79
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 79
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 79
Error Line has trailing spaces. 80
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 81
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 81
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 82
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 82
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 83
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 83
Error Line contains a tab character. 84
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 84
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 84
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 85
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 85
Error Line contains a tab character. 86
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 86
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 86


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error '{' should be on a new line. 8
Error Line has trailing spaces. 9
Error '{' should be on a new line. 11
Error Line has trailing spaces. 13
Error Method 'getFieldConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 14
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
Error Parameter index should be final. 14
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 14
Error '{' should be on a new line. 14
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 15
Error Method 'getFieldConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error Parameter name should be final. 18
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 18
Error '{' should be on a new line. 18
Error Line contains a tab character. 19
Error '=' is not followed by whitespace. 19
Error ';' is preceded with whitespace. 19
Error ';' is preceded with whitespace. 19
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 19
Error '{' should be on a new line. 19
Error Line contains a tab character. 20
Error Line contains a tab character. 21
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 21
Error '{' should be on a new line. 21
Error Line contains a tab character. 22
Error Line contains a tab character. 23
Error Line contains a tab character. 24
Error Line contains a tab character. 25


Error File does not end with a newline. 0


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided -*. 3
Error Line has trailing spaces. 11
Error Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 14
Error '{' should be on a new line. 14
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
Error Name 'FILE_SEPARATOR' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 16
Error Variable 'FILE_SEPARATOR' must be private and have accessor methods. 16
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
Error Name 'CONFIGURATION_DIR' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 17
Error Variable 'CONFIGURATION_DIR' must be private and have accessor methods. 17
Error Parameter file should be final. 24
Error Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 24
Error '{' should be on a new line. 24
Error '{' should be on a new line. 28
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 30
Error '{' should be on a new line. 30
Error '{' should be on a new line. 34
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 35
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 36
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 39
Error '{' should be on a new line. 42
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 44
Error '{' should be on a new line. 46
Error '{' should be on a new line. 50
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 51
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 52
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 52
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 53
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 54
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 64
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Error Parameter jarFile should be final. 64
Error Parameter entry should be final. 64
Error '{' should be on a new line. 64
Error '{' should be on a new line. 69


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided -*. 2
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 4
Error '{' should be on a new line. 4
Error '{' should be on a new line. 7
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 10
Error Method 'readConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 10
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 10
Error Parameter config should be final. 10
Error Parameter dir should be final. 10
Error '{' should be on a new line. 10
Error '{' should be on a new line. 11
Error '{' should be on a new line. 13
Error '{' should be on a new line. 15
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 16
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 16
Error '{' should be on a new line. 17
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 18
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 22
Error '{' should be on a new line. 22
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 23
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 23
Error '{' should be on a new line. 24
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 25
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 32
Error Method 'readNodeManagerDir' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error Parameter dir should be final. 32
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 32
Error Parameter config should be final. 32
Error '{' should be on a new line. 32
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 33
Error '{' should be on a new line. 35
Error Line contains a tab character. 37
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 38
Error '!' is followed by whitespace. 38
Error '{' should be on a new line. 38
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 39
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 39
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 40
Error '{' should be on a new line. 40
Error '{' should be on a new line. 41
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 43
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 43
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 44
Error Line contains a tab character. 44
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 44
Error '{' should be on a new line. 44
Error Line contains a tab character. 45
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 46
Error Line contains a tab character. 46
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 46
Error '-' is not followed by whitespace. 46
Error '4' is a magic number. 46
Error Line contains a tab character. 47
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 48
Error Line contains a tab character. 48
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 48
Error '{' should be on a new line. 48
Error Line contains a tab character. 49
Error Line contains a tab character. 50
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 50
Error '{' should be on a new line. 50
Error Line contains a tab character. 51
Error Line contains a tab character. 52
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 53
Error Line contains a tab character. 53
Error Line contains a tab character. 54
Error ';' is preceded with whitespace. 54
Error ';' is preceded with whitespace. 54
Error '++' is preceded with whitespace. 54
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 54
Error '{' should be on a new line. 54
Error Line contains a tab character. 55
Error Line contains a tab character. 56
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 57
Error Line contains a tab character. 57
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 57
Error '{' should be on a new line. 57
Error Line contains a tab character. 58
Error Line contains a tab character. 59
Error Line contains a tab character. 60
Error Line contains a tab character. 61
Error Line contains a tab character. 62
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 70
Error Method 'readApplicationDir' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 70
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 70
Error Parameter config should be final. 70
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 70
Error Parameter dir should be final. 70
Error '{' should be on a new line. 70
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 71
Error '{' should be on a new line. 73
Error '{' should be on a new line. 75
Error '{' should be on a new line. 76
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 78
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 78
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 81
Error Line contains a tab character. 81
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 81
Error '+' is not followed by whitespace. 81
Error Line contains a tab character. 82
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 82
Error '{' should be on a new line. 82
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 83
Error Line contains a tab character. 83
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 83
Error Line contains a tab character. 85
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 85
Error '{' should be on a new line. 85
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 86
Error Line contains a tab character. 86
Error Line contains a tab character. 87
Error Method 'readFile' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 94
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 94
Error Parameter file should be final. 94
Error '{' should be on a new line. 94
Error '{' should be on a new line. 98
Error Line has trailing spaces. 105
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 106
Error Parameter argv should be final. 106
Error '{' should be on a new line. 106
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 107
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 109


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 9
Error '{' should be on a new line. 9
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 10
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 10
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 11
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 11
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 12
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 13
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 14
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 15
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 16
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 17
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 19
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 20
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 21
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 22
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 23
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 24
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 25
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 25
Error Line contains a tab character. 26
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 26
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 26
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 27
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 28
Error Line contains a tab character. 29
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 29
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 29
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 31
Error Line contains a tab character. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 32
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 33
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 34
Error Line contains a tab character. 35
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 35
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 35
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 36
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 37


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error '{' should be on a new line. 8
Error Line has trailing spaces. 9
Error '{' should be on a new line. 11
Error Line has trailing spaces. 14
Error Method 'getNodeManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 15
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
Error Parameter index should be final. 15
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 15
Error '{' should be on a new line. 15
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 16
Error Line has trailing spaces. 18
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 19
Error Method 'getNodeManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 19
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
Error Parameter nodeManagerName should be final. 19
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 19
Error '{' should be on a new line. 19
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 20
Error '{' should be on a new line. 20
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 21
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 22
Error '{' should be on a new line. 22


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 6
Error '{' should be on a new line. 6
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 10
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 11
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 11
Error Line contains a tab character. 12
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 12
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 13
Error Line contains a tab character. 14
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 14
Error Line has trailing spaces. 15
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 18
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 20
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 22
Error Line contains a tab character. 23
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 23


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error '{' should be on a new line. 8
Error Line has trailing spaces. 9
Error '{' should be on a new line. 11
Error Line has trailing spaces. 13
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 14
Error Method 'getRelationManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 14
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
Error Parameter index should be final. 14
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 14
Error '{' should be on a new line. 14
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 15
Error Line has trailing spaces. 17
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 18
Error Method 'getRelationManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error Parameter name should be final. 18
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 18
Error '{' should be on a new line. 18
Error Line contains a tab character. 19
Error '=' is not followed by whitespace. 19
Error ';' is preceded with whitespace. 19
Error ';' is preceded with whitespace. 19
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 19
Error '{' should be on a new line. 19
Error Line contains a tab character. 20
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 20
Error '{' should be on a new line. 20
Error Line contains a tab character. 21
Error Line contains a tab character. 22
Error Line contains a tab character. 23
Error Line contains a tab character. 24
Error Line has trailing spaces. 26
Error Line contains a tab character. 26


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error '{' should be on a new line. 8
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 9
Error Name 'name' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 9
Error Variable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods. 9
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 10
Error Name 'sourceName' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 10
Error Variable 'sourceName' must be private and have accessor methods. 10
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 11
Error Name 'destinationName' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 11
Error Variable 'destinationName' must be private and have accessor methods. 11
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
Error Name 'nodeManagerName' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 12
Error Variable 'nodeManagerName' must be private and have accessor methods. 12
Error '=' is not followed by whitespace. 12
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
Error Name 'directionality' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 13
Error Variable 'directionality' must be private and have accessor methods. 13
Error '=' is not followed by whitespace. 13
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 15
Error '{' should be on a new line. 15
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error Parameter name should be final. 18
Error 'name' hides a field. 18
Error Parameter sourceName should be final. 18
Error 'sourceName' hides a field. 18
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 18
Error Parameter destinationName should be final. 18
Error 'destinationName' hides a field. 18
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 18
Error Parameter nodeManagerName should be final. 18
Error 'nodeManagerName' hides a field. 18
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 18
Error Parameter directionality should be final. 18
Error 'directionality' hides a field. 18
Error '{' should be on a new line. 18
Error Line has trailing spaces. 21
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 22
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 23
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 24
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 25
Error Line has trailing spaces. 27
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 28
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Error Parameter name should be final. 28
Error 'name' hides a field. 28
Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 28
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 28
Error '{' should be on a new line. 28
Error Line contains a tab character. 29
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 32
Error '{' should be on a new line. 32
Error 'return' is not preceded with whitespace. 32
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 32
Error ';' is not followed by whitespace. 32
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 32
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 34
Error Method 'getSourceName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 34
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 34
Error '{' should be on a new line. 34
Error '?' is not preceded with whitespace. 34
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 34
Error '?' is not followed by whitespace. 34
Error ';' is not followed by whitespace. 34
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 34
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 36
Error Method 'getDestinationName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 36
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 36
Error '{' should be on a new line. 36
Error 'return' is not preceded with whitespace. 36
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 36
Error '?' is not preceded with whitespace. 36
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 36
Error '?' is not followed by whitespace. 36
Error ';' is preceded with whitespace. 36
Error ';' is not followed by whitespace. 36
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 36
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 38
Error Method 'setNodeManagerName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Error Parameter nodeManagerName should be final. 38
Error 'nodeManagerName' hides a field. 38
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 38
Error '{' should be on a new line. 38
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 38
Error ';' is not followed by whitespace. 38
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 38
Error Method 'getNodeManagerName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 39
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 39
Error '{' should be on a new line. 39
Error 'return' is not preceded with whitespace. 39
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 39
Error ';' is not followed by whitespace. 39
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 39
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 41
Error Method 'setDirectionality' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 41
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Error Parameter directionality should be final. 41
Error 'directionality' hides a field. 41
Error '{' should be on a new line. 41
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 41
Error ';' is not followed by whitespace. 41
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 41
Error Method 'getDirectionality' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 42
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 42
Error '{' should be on a new line. 42
Error 'return' is not preceded with whitespace. 42
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 42
Error ';' is not followed by whitespace. 42
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 42


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.util.*. 3
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 9
Error '{' should be on a new line. 9
Error Line has trailing spaces. 10
Error '{' should be on a new line. 12
Error Method 'getRelationType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 15
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
Error Parameter index should be final. 15
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 15
Error '{' should be on a new line. 15
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 16
Error Line has trailing spaces. 18
Error Method 'getRelationType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 19
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
Error Parameter name should be final. 19
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 19
Error '{' should be on a new line. 19
Error 'while' is not followed by whitespace. 21
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 21
Error '{' should be on a new line. 21
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 22
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 23
Error '{' should be on a new line. 23


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 5
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 5
Error '{' should be on a new line. 5
Error Line contains a tab character. 6
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 6
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 6
Error '{' should be on a new line. 6
Error Line contains a tab character. 7
Error Line contains a tab character. 8
Error Line has trailing spaces. 9
Error Line contains a tab character. 9
Error Line contains a tab character. 10
Error Method 'getString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 10
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 10
Error Parameter x should be final. 10
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 10
Error '{' should be on a new line. 10
Error Line contains a tab character. 11
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 11
Error Line contains a tab character. 12


Error File does not end with a newline. 0


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided -*. 3
Error Line has trailing spaces. 8
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 9
Error Line has trailing spaces. 10
Error Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 13
Error '{' should be on a new line. 13
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 16
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 17
Error Line has trailing spaces. 18
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 18
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 22
Error Parameter url should be final. 22
Error Expected @throws tag for 'Exception'. 22
Error '{' should be on a new line. 22
Error '{' should be on a new line. 27
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 28
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 32
Error '{' should be on a new line. 35
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 40
Error '{' should be on a new line. 41
Error '{' should be on a new line. 45
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 47
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 47
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 48
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 49
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 52
Error '{' should be on a new line. 52
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Error Parameter url should be final. 61
Error '{' should be on a new line. 61
Error '{' should be on a new line. 66
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 73


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - net.sf.mmapps.modules.config.*. 3
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 10
Error '{' should be on a new line. 10
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 11
Error Name 'name' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 11
Error Variable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods. 11
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
Error Name 'maintainer' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 12
Error Variable 'maintainer' must be private and have accessor methods. 12
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
Error Name 'version' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 13
Error Variable 'version' must be private and have accessor methods. 13
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
Error Name 'nodeManagerConfigurations' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 14
Error Variable 'nodeManagerConfigurations' must be private and have accessor methods. 14
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
Error Name 'relationManagerConfigurations' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 15
Error Variable 'relationManagerConfigurations' must be private and have accessor methods. 15
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
Error Name 'relationTypes' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 16
Error Variable 'relationTypes' must be private and have accessor methods. 16
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
Error Name 'requiredNodeManagers' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 17
Error Variable 'requiredNodeManagers' must be private and have accessor methods. 17
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
Error Name 'depends' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 19
Error Variable 'depends' must be private and have accessor methods. 19
Error '{' should be on a new line. 21
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 33
Error Parameter name should be final. 33
Error 'name' hides a field. 33
Error '{' should be on a new line. 33
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 37
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error '{' should be on a new line. 37
Error Method 'setMaintainer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 41
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Error Parameter maintainer should be final. 41
Error 'maintainer' hides a field. 41
Error '{' should be on a new line. 41
Error Method 'getMaintainer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 45
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Error '{' should be on a new line. 45
Error Method 'setVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 49
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
Error Parameter version should be final. 49
Error 'version' hides a field. 49
Error '{' should be on a new line. 49
Error Method 'getVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 53
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 53
Error '{' should be on a new line. 53
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 61
Error Method 'addNodeManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 61
Error Parameter nodeManagerConfiguration should be final. 61
Error '{' should be on a new line. 61
Error Method 'addRequiredNodeManager' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 65
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 65
Error Parameter name should be final. 65
Error 'name' hides a field. 65
Error '{' should be on a new line. 65
Error Method 'getRequiredNodeManagers' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 69
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 69
Error '{' should be on a new line. 69
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 74
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 77
Error Method 'addRelationManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 77
Error Parameter relationManagerConfiguration should be final. 77
Error '{' should be on a new line. 77
Error Method 'getNodeManagerConfigurations' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 81
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 81
Error '{' should be on a new line. 81
Error Method 'getRelationManagerConfigurations' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 85
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 85
Error '{' should be on a new line. 85
Error Method 'addRelationType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 88
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 88
Error Parameter relationType should be final. 88
Error '{' should be on a new line. 88
Error Method 'getRelationTypes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 92
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 92
Error '{' should be on a new line. 92
Error Method 'getRelationType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 95
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 95
Error Parameter name should be final. 95
Error 'name' hides a field. 95
Error '{' should be on a new line. 95
Error '{' should be on a new line. 96
Error '{' should be on a new line. 98
Error Method 'addDepends' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 105
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 105
Error Parameter name should be final. 105
Error 'name' hides a field. 105
Error '{' should be on a new line. 105
Error Method 'getDepends' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 109
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 109
Error '{' should be on a new line. 109
Error Method 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 113
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 113
Error Parameter applicationConfiguration should be final. 113
Error '{' should be on a new line. 113
Error Line has trailing spaces. 116
Error '{' should be on a new line. 119
Error '{' should be on a new line. 120
Error '{' should be on a new line. 129
Error '{' should be on a new line. 130
Error '{' should be on a new line. 139
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 140
Error '{' should be on a new line. 140
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 147
Error '{' should be on a new line. 148
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 149
Error '{' should be on a new line. 149
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 150
Error '{' should be on a new line. 156
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 157
Error '{' should be on a new line. 157


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 11
Error '{' should be on a new line. 11
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
Error Name 'name' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 12
Error Variable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods. 12
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
Error Name 'type' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 13
Error Variable 'type' must be private and have accessor methods. 13
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
Error Name 'size' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 14
Error Variable 'size' must be private and have accessor methods. 14
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
Error Name 'guitype' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 15
Error Variable 'guitype' must be private and have accessor methods. 15
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
Error Name 'isKey' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 16
Error Variable 'isKey' must be private and have accessor methods. 16
Error '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 16
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
Error Name 'isNotNull' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 17
Error Variable 'isNotNull' must be private and have accessor methods. 17
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error Name 'state' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 18
Error Variable 'state' must be private and have accessor methods. 18
Error '=' is not followed by whitespace. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
Error Name 'docType' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 19
Error Variable 'docType' must be private and have accessor methods. 19
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20
Error Name 'guiNames' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 20
Error Variable 'guiNames' must be private and have accessor methods. 20
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
Error Name 'descriptions' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 21
Error Variable 'descriptions' must be private and have accessor methods. 21
Error Line has trailing spaces. 22
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
Error Name 'editorPos' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 23
Error Variable 'editorPos' must be private and have accessor methods. 23
Error '=' is not followed by whitespace. 23
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Error Name 'searchPos' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 24
Error Variable 'searchPos' must be private and have accessor methods. 24
Error '=' is not followed by whitespace. 24
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 25
Error Name 'listPos' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 25
Error Variable 'listPos' must be private and have accessor methods. 25
Error '=' is not followed by whitespace. 25
Error Line has trailing spaces. 26
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
Error '{' should be on a new line. 27
Error Line has trailing spaces. 29
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error Parameter name should be final. 30
Error 'name' hides a field. 30
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 30
Error '{' should be on a new line. 30
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 33
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 33
Error '{' should be on a new line. 33
Error Line has trailing spaces. 36
Error Method 'setType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 37
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error Parameter type should be final. 37
Error 'type' hides a field. 37
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 37
Error '{' should be on a new line. 37
Error Line has trailing spaces. 40
Error Method 'setSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 41
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Error Parameter size should be final. 41
Error 'size' hides a field. 41
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 41
Error '{' should be on a new line. 41
Error Line has trailing spaces. 44
Error Method 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 45
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 45
Error '{' should be on a new line. 45
Error Line has trailing spaces. 48
Error Method 'getSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 49
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 49
Error '{' should be on a new line. 49
Error Line contains a tab character. 50
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 50
Error '{' should be on a new line. 50
Error Line contains a tab character. 51
Error Line contains a tab character. 52
Error Line has trailing spaces. 55
Error Line has trailing spaces. 56
Error Method 'setGUIType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 57
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 57
Error Parameter guitype should be final. 57
Error 'guitype' hides a field. 57
Error '{' should be on a new line. 57
Error Line has trailing spaces. 60
Error Method 'getGUIType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 61
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Error '{' should be on a new line. 61
Error Line has trailing spaces. 64
Error Method 'setDocType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 65
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 65
Error Parameter docType should be final. 65
Error 'docType' hides a field. 65
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 65
Error '{' should be on a new line. 65
Error Method 'getDocType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 71
Error '{' should be on a new line. 71
Error Line has trailing spaces. 74
Error Method 'setGUIName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 75
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 75
Error Parameter lang should be final. 75
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 75
Error Parameter value should be final. 75
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 75
Error '{' should be on a new line. 75
Error '{' should be on a new line. 76
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 77
Error Line has trailing spaces. 80
Error Line has trailing spaces. 81
Error Method 'getGUIName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 85
Error Parameter lang should be final. 85
Error Expected @param tag for 'lang'. 85
Error '{' should be on a new line. 85
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 86
Error '{' should be on a new line. 86
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 89
Error Line has trailing spaces. 91
Error Method 'setState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 92
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 92
Error Parameter state should be final. 92
Error 'state' hides a field. 92
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 92
Error '{' should be on a new line. 92
Error Method 'getState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 98
Error '{' should be on a new line. 98
Error Line has trailing spaces. 101
Error Method 'setIsKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 102
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 102
Error Parameter value should be final. 102
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 102
Error '{' should be on a new line. 102
Error Method 'isKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 108
Error '{' should be on a new line. 108
Error Line has trailing spaces. 111
Error Method 'setIsNotNull' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 112
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 112
Error Parameter value should be final. 112
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 112
Error '{' should be on a new line. 112
Error Method 'isNotNull' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 118
Error '{' should be on a new line. 118
Error Line has trailing spaces. 121
Error Method 'setEditorPosition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 122
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 122
Error Parameter pos should be final. 122
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 122
Error '{' should be on a new line. 122
Error Method 'getEditorPosition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 125
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 125
Error '{' should be on a new line. 125
Error Line has trailing spaces. 128
Error Method 'setListPosition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 129
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 129
Error Parameter pos should be final. 129
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 129
Error '{' should be on a new line. 129
Error Method 'getListPosition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 132
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 132
Error '{' should be on a new line. 132
Error Line has trailing spaces. 135
Error Method 'setSearchPosition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 136
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 136
Error Parameter pos should be final. 136
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 136
Error '{' should be on a new line. 136
Error Method 'getSearchPosition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 139
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 139
Error '{' should be on a new line. 139
Error Line has trailing spaces. 142
Error Method 'getGUINames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 143
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 143
Error '{' should be on a new line. 143
Error Method 'getDescriptions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 146
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 146
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 146
Error '{' should be on a new line. 146
Error Method 'setDescription' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 149
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 149
Error Parameter lang should be final. 149
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 149
Error Parameter description should be final. 149
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 149
Error '{' should be on a new line. 149
Error '{' should be on a new line. 150
Error Method 'getDescription' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 155
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 155
Error Parameter lang should be final. 155
Error '{' should be on a new line. 155
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 156
Error '{' should be on a new line. 156
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 159


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - net.sf.mmapps.modules.config.*. 5
Error '{' should be on a new line. 11
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
Error Name 'parentNodeManagerName' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 12
Error Variable 'parentNodeManagerName' must be private and have accessor methods. 12
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
Error Name 'fieldConfigurations' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 13
Error Variable 'fieldConfigurations' must be private and have accessor methods. 13
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
Error Name 'name' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 14
Error Variable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods. 14
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 15
Error Name 'maintainer' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 15
Error Variable 'maintainer' must be private and have accessor methods. 15
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
Error Name 'version' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 16
Error Variable 'version' must be private and have accessor methods. 16
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
Error Name 'classFile' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 17
Error Variable 'classFile' must be private and have accessor methods. 17
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error Name 'searchAge' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 18
Error Variable 'searchAge' must be private and have accessor methods. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
Error Name 'status' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 19
Error Variable 'status' must be private and have accessor methods. 19
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20
Error Name 'descriptions' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 20
Error Variable 'descriptions' must be private and have accessor methods. 20
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
Error Name 'singularNames' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 21
Error Variable 'singularNames' must be private and have accessor methods. 21
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
Error Name 'pluralNames' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 22
Error Variable 'pluralNames' must be private and have accessor methods. 22
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
Error Name 'properties' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 23
Error Variable 'properties' must be private and have accessor methods. 23
Error '{' should be on a new line. 26
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error Parameter name should be final. 30
Error 'name' hides a field. 30
Error '{' should be on a new line. 30
Error Method 'setMaintainer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 34
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error Parameter maintainer should be final. 34
Error 'maintainer' hides a field. 34
Error '{' should be on a new line. 34
Error Method 'getMaintainer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 37
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error '{' should be on a new line. 37
Error Method 'setVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 40
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Error Parameter version should be final. 40
Error 'version' hides a field. 40
Error '{' should be on a new line. 40
Error Method 'getVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 43
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 43
Error '{' should be on a new line. 43
Error Method 'setClassFile' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 47
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 47
Error Parameter classFile should be final. 47
Error 'classFile' hides a field. 47
Error '{' should be on a new line. 47
Error Method 'getClassFile' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 51
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 51
Error '{' should be on a new line. 51
Error Method 'setSearchAge' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 55
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 55
Error Parameter searchAge should be final. 55
Error 'searchAge' hides a field. 55
Error '{' should be on a new line. 55
Error Method 'getSearchAge' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 59
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 59
Error '{' should be on a new line. 59
Error Method 'getDescriptions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 63
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 63
Error '{' should be on a new line. 63
Error Line has trailing spaces. 66
Error Method 'setDescription' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 67
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 67
Error Parameter lang should be final. 67
Error Parameter description should be final. 67
Error '{' should be on a new line. 67
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 68
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 69
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 70
Error Method 'getDescription' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 75
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 75
Error Parameter lang should be final. 75
Error '{' should be on a new line. 75
Error '{' should be on a new line. 76
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 79
Error Method 'addFieldConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 82
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 82
Error Parameter fieldConfiguration should be final. 82
Error '{' should be on a new line. 82
Error Method 'setExtends' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 86
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 86
Error Parameter extendsString should be final. 86
Error '{' should be on a new line. 86
Error Method 'getExtends' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 90
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 90
Error '{' should be on a new line. 90
Error Method 'getFieldConfigurations' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 94
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 94
Error '{' should be on a new line. 94
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 98
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 98
Error '{' should be on a new line. 98
Error Method 'setProperty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 102
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 102
Error Parameter key should be final. 102
Error Parameter value should be final. 102
Error '{' should be on a new line. 102
Error '{' should be on a new line. 103
Error Method 'getPropeties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 108
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 108
Error '{' should be on a new line. 108
Error Method 'getProperty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 112
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 112
Error Parameter key should be final. 112
Error '{' should be on a new line. 112
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 113
Error Method 'setPluralGUIName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 115
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 115
Error Parameter lang should be final. 115
Error Parameter value should be final. 115
Error '{' should be on a new line. 115
Error '{' should be on a new line. 116
Error Method 'getPluralGUINames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 121
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 121
Error '{' should be on a new line. 121
Error Method 'getPluralGUIName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 124
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 124
Error Parameter lang should be final. 124
Error '{' should be on a new line. 124
Error '{' should be on a new line. 125
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 128
Error Method 'setSingularGUIName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 131
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 131
Error Parameter lang should be final. 131
Error Parameter value should be final. 131
Error '{' should be on a new line. 131
Error '{' should be on a new line. 132
Error Method 'getSingularGUINames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 136
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 136
Error '{' should be on a new line. 136
Error Method 'getSingularGUIName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 139
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 139
Error Parameter lang should be final. 139
Error '{' should be on a new line. 139
Error '{' should be on a new line. 140
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 143
Error Method 'setStatus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 146
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 146
Error Parameter status should be final. 146
Error 'status' hides a field. 146
Error '{' should be on a new line. 146
Error Method 'getStatus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 149
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 149
Error '{' should be on a new line. 149


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 10
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 10
Error '{' should be on a new line. 10
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 11
Error Name 'name' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 11
Error Variable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods. 11
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 12
Error Name 'sourceNodeManagerName' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 12
Error Variable 'sourceNodeManagerName' must be private and have accessor methods. 12
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 13
Error Name 'destinationNodeManagerName' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 13
Error Variable 'destinationNodeManagerName' must be private and have accessor methods. 13
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 14
Error Name 'relationTypeName' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 14
Error Variable 'relationTypeName' must be private and have accessor methods. 14
Error Line has trailing spaces. 15
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 17
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 17
Error Line has trailing spaces. 18
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 19
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
Error '{' should be on a new line. 19
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 20
Error '+' is not followed by whitespace. 20
Error '+' is not followed by whitespace. 20
Error Line has trailing spaces. 22
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 23
Error Method 'setDestinationNodeManagerName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 23
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
Error Parameter destinationNodeManagerName should be final. 23
Error 'destinationNodeManagerName' hides a field. 23
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 23
Error '{' should be on a new line. 23
Error Line has trailing spaces. 26
Error Method 'getDestinationNodeManagerName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 27
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
Error '{' should be on a new line. 27
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 28
Error '{' should be on a new line. 28
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 29
Error Line has trailing spaces. 31
Error Line has trailing spaces. 34
Error Method 'setSourceNodeManagerName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 35
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Error Parameter sourceNodeManagerName should be final. 35
Error 'sourceNodeManagerName' hides a field. 35
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 35
Error '{' should be on a new line. 35
Error Line has trailing spaces. 38
Error Line has trailing spaces. 39
Error Method 'getSourceNodeManagerName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 40
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Error '{' should be on a new line. 40
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 41
Error '{' should be on a new line. 41
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 42
Error Line has trailing spaces. 46
Error Method 'setRelationTypeName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 47
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 47
Error Parameter relationTypeName should be final. 47
Error 'relationTypeName' hides a field. 47
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 47
Error '{' should be on a new line. 47
Error Line has trailing spaces. 50
Error Method 'getRelationTypeName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 51
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 51
Error '{' should be on a new line. 51
Error Line has trailing spaces. 54


Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - net.sf.mmapps.modules.config.*. 11
Error '{' should be on a new line. 16
Error Method 'createApplicationConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error '{' should be on a new line. 18
Error Method 'createFieldConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 22
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
Error '{' should be on a new line. 22
Error Method 'createNodeManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 26
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Error '{' should be on a new line. 26
Error Method 'createRelationManagerConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error '{' should be on a new line. 30


Error Missing package documentation file.0


Error Missing package documentation file.0