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1   package net.sf.mmapps.modules.config;
3   import java.util.Iterator;
5   import simplexml.XMLElement;
7   /***
8    * Utility class to read configuration
9    * @author Kees Jongenburger
10   * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2004/05/18 13:53:55 keesj Exp $
11   */
12  public abstract class ConfigurationXMLReader {
14      public static ApplicationConfiguration createApplicationConfiguration(Configuration config, String data) {
15          ApplicationConfiguration conf = config.createApplicationConfiguration();
16          XMLElement xmle = new XMLElement();
17          xmle.parseString(data);
18          conf.setName(xmle.getProperty("name", conf.getName()));
19          conf.setMaintainer(xmle.getProperty("maintainer", conf.getMaintainer()));
20          conf.setVersion(xmle.getProperty("version", conf.getVersion()));
21          Iterator iter = xmle.getChildren().iterator();
22          while (iter.hasNext()) {
23              XMLElement child = (XMLElement);
24              //System.err.println(child.getTagName());
25              if (child.getTagName().equals("neededbuilderlist")) {
26                  Iterator neededBuilderListIterator = child.getChildren().iterator();
27                  while (neededBuilderListIterator.hasNext()) {
28                      XMLElement neededBuilder = (XMLElement);
29                      if (neededBuilder.getTagName().equals("builder")) {
30                          //for the moment just add the name to a vector
31                          //after we will try to find all builder somewhere in the configuration
32                          conf.addRequiredNodeManager(neededBuilder.getContents());
33                      } else {
34                          System.err.println("unknown sub tag(" + neededBuilder.getTagName() + ") of the names tag.. skipping");
35                      }
36                  }
37              } else if (child.getTagName().equals("requirements")) {
38                  Iterator deps = child.getChildren().iterator();
39                  while (deps.hasNext()) {
40                      XMLElement requires = (XMLElement);
41                      conf.addDepends(requires.getProperty("name"));
42                  }
43              } else if (child.getTagName().equals("neededreldeflist")) {
44                  Iterator neededReldefListIterator = child.getChildren().iterator();
45                  while (neededReldefListIterator.hasNext()) {
46                      XMLElement reldef = (XMLElement);
47                      if (reldef.getTagName().equals("reldef")) {
48                          //for the moment just add the name to a vector
49                          //after we will try to find all builder somewhere in the configuration
50                          conf.addRelationType(
51                              new RelationType(
52                                  reldef.getProperty("source"),
53                                  reldef.getProperty("guisourcename"),
54                                  reldef.getProperty("guidestinationname"),
55                                  reldef.getProperty("builder"),
56                                  reldef.getProperty("directions")));
57                      } else {
58                          System.err.println("unknown sub tag(" + reldef.getTagName() + ") of the names tag.. skipping");
59                      }
60                  }
61              } else if (child.getTagName().equals("allowedrelationlist")) {
62                  Iterator allowedrelationIterator = child.getChildren().iterator();
63                  while (allowedrelationIterator.hasNext()) {
64                      XMLElement relation = (XMLElement);
65                      if (relation.getTagName().equals("relation")) {
66                          //for the moment just add the name to a vector
67                          //after we will try to find all builder somewhere in the configuration
68                         RelationManagerConfiguration relationManagerConfiguration =  config.createRelationManagerConfiguration();
69                          relationManagerConfiguration.setSourceNodeManagerName(relation.getProperty("from"));
70                          relationManagerConfiguration.setDestinationNodeManagerName(relation.getProperty("to"));
71                          relationManagerConfiguration.setRelationTypeName(relation.getProperty("type"));
72                          conf.addRelationManagerConfiguration(relationManagerConfiguration);
73                      } else {
74                          System.err.println("unknown sub tag(" + relation.getTagName() + ") of the names tag.. skipping");
75                      }
76                  }
77              }
79          }
80          //skip status
81          return conf;
83      }
85      public static NodeManagerConfiguration createNodeManagerConfiguration(Configuration configuration,String data) {
86          NodeManagerConfiguration conf = configuration.createNodeManagerConfiguration();
87          XMLElement xmle = new XMLElement();
88          xmle.parseString(data);
90          conf.setName(xmle.getProperty("name", conf.getName()));
91          conf.setMaintainer(xmle.getProperty("maintainer", conf.getMaintainer()));
92          conf.setVersion(xmle.getProperty("version", conf.getVersion()));
94          //hmm how about object?
95          conf.setExtends(xmle.getProperty("extends", conf.getExtends()));
97          Iterator iter = xmle.getChildren().iterator();
98          while (iter.hasNext()) {
99              XMLElement child = (XMLElement);
100             //skip status
102             if (child.getTagName().equals("classfile")) {
103                 conf.setClassFile(child.getContents());
104             } else if (child.getTagName().equals("status")) {
105                 conf.setStatus(child.getContents());
106             } else if (child.getTagName().equals("searchage")) {
107                 conf.setSearchAge(child.getContents());
108             } else if (child.getTagName().equals("names")) {
109                 Iterator nameIter = child.getChildren().iterator();
110                 while (nameIter.hasNext()) {
111                     XMLElement nameElement = (XMLElement);
112                     if (nameElement.getTagName().equals("singular")) {
113                         conf.setSingularGUIName(nameElement.getProperty("xml:lang"), nameElement.getContents());
114                     } else if (nameElement.getTagName().equals("plural")) {
115                         conf.setPluralGUIName(nameElement.getProperty("xml:lang"), nameElement.getContents());
116                     } else {
117                         System.err.println("unknown sub tag(" + nameElement.getTagName() + ") of the names tag.. skipping");
118                     }
119                 }
120             } else if (child.getTagName().equals("descriptions")) {
121                 Iterator descIter = child.getChildren().iterator();
122                 while (descIter.hasNext()) {
123                     XMLElement descElement = (XMLElement);
124                     conf.setDescription(descElement.getProperty("xml:lang"), descElement.getContents());
125                 }
126             } else if (child.getTagName().equals("properties")) {
127                 Iterator propIter = child.getChildren().iterator();
128                 while (propIter.hasNext()) {
129                     XMLElement propElement = (XMLElement);
130                     //there are empty properties...
131                     if (propElement.getContents() == null) {
132                         conf.setProperty(propElement.getProperty("name"), "");
133                     } else {
134                         conf.setProperty(propElement.getProperty("name"), propElement.getContents());
135                     }
136                 }
137             } else if (child.getTagName().equals("fieldlist")) {
138                 Iterator fieldIter = child.getChildren().iterator();
139                 while (fieldIter.hasNext()) {
140                     XMLElement fieldElement = (XMLElement);
141                     conf.addFieldConfiguration(createFieldConfiguration(configuration,fieldElement));
142                     //conf.setDescription(descElement.getProperty("xml:lang"), descElement.getContents());
143                 }
144             } else {
145                 System.err.println("unknown tag(" + child.getTagName() + ") for  nodemanager configuration(" + conf.getName() + ")");
146             }
147         }
148         //System.err.println(data);
149         return conf;
150     }
152     public static FieldConfiguration createFieldConfiguration(Configuration config,XMLElement xmlField) {
153         FieldConfiguration conf = config.createFieldConfiguration();
154         Iterator iter = xmlField.getChildren().iterator();
155         while (iter.hasNext()) {
156             XMLElement child = (XMLElement);
157             if (child.getTagName().equals("gui")) {
158                 Iterator guiNameIter = child.getChildren().iterator();
159                 while (guiNameIter.hasNext()) {
160                     XMLElement guiNameElement = (XMLElement);
161                     if (guiNameElement.getTagName().equals("guiname")) {
162                         conf.setGUIName(guiNameElement.getProperty("xml:lang"), guiNameElement.getContents());
163                     } else if (guiNameElement.getTagName().equals("guitype")) {
164                         conf.setGUIType(guiNameElement.getContents());
165                     } else {
166                         System.err.println("error in unknown gui subtag(" + guiNameElement.getTagName() + ")");
167                     }
168                 }
169             } else if (child.getTagName().equals("descriptions")) {
170                 Iterator descIter = child.getChildren().iterator();
171                 while (descIter.hasNext()) {
172                     XMLElement descElement = (XMLElement);
173                     conf.setDescription(descElement.getProperty("xml:lang"), descElement.getContents());
174                 }
175             } else if (child.getTagName().equals("editor")) {
176                 Iterator editorIter = child.getChildren().iterator();
177                 while (editorIter.hasNext()) {
178                     XMLElement tag = (XMLElement);
179                     if (tag.getTagName().equals("positions")) {
180                         Iterator positionIter = tag.getChildren().iterator();
181                         while (positionIter.hasNext()) {
182                             XMLElement pos = (XMLElement);
183                             if (pos.getTagName().equals("input")) {
184                                 conf.setEditorPosition(pos.getContents());
185                             } else if (pos.getTagName().equals("list")) {
186                                 conf.setListPosition(pos.getContents());
187                             } else if (pos.getTagName().equals("search")) {
188                                 conf.setSearchPosition(pos.getContents());
189                             } else {
190                                 System.err.println("unknown subtag of gui/positions with name (" + pos.getTagName() + ")");
191                             }
192                         }
193                     } else {
194                         System.err.println("error in unknown editor subtag(" + tag.getTagName() + ")");
195                     }
197                 }
198             } else if (child.getTagName().equals("db")) {
199                 Iterator dbTagIter = child.getChildren().iterator();
200                 while (dbTagIter.hasNext()) {
201                     XMLElement dbTag = (XMLElement);
202                     if (dbTag.getTagName().equals("name")) {
203                         conf.setName(dbTag.getContents());
204                     } else if (dbTag.getTagName().equals("type")) {
205                         conf.setType(dbTag.getContents());
207                         if (dbTag.getProperty("state") != null) {
208                             conf.setState(dbTag.getProperty("state"));
209                         }
210                         if (dbTag.getProperty("size") != null) {
211                             conf.setSize(dbTag.getProperty("size"));
212                         }
213                         if (dbTag.getProperty("key") != null) {
214                             conf.setIsKey(Boolean.getBoolean(dbTag.getProperty("key")));
215                         }
216                         if (dbTag.getProperty("doctype") != null) {
217                             conf.setDocType(dbTag.getProperty("doctype"));
218                         }
219                         if (dbTag.getProperty("notnull") != null) {
220                             conf.setIsNotNull(Boolean.getBoolean(dbTag.getProperty("notnull")));
221                         }
222                     } else {
223                         System.err.println("error in unknown db subtag(" + dbTag.getTagName() + ")");
224                     }
225                 }
226             }
227         }
228         return conf;
229     }
230 }