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1   package net.sf.mmapps.modules.config;
3   import*;
4   import;
6   import simplexml.XMLElement;
8   /*** 
9    * Util class to read an mmbase application configuration from an url(or the classpath).
10   * 
11   * @author keesj
12   */
13  public class URLApplicationConfigurationReader {
15      /***
16       * @param url an url to the application configuration file (eg
17       * @return the application configration found at that url/ to load an application from the classpath use something like
18       * <code>YourClass.class.getClassLoader().getResources("config/applications/" + name + ".xml");</code> to get an url to the 
19       * application xml and feed it to the method
20       * @throws Exception
21       */
22      public static ApplicationConfiguration getConfiguration(URL url) throws Exception {
23          Configuration config = new Configuration();
24          String data = readURL(url);
25          XMLElement xmle = new XMLElement();
26          xmle.parseString(data);
27          if (xmle.getTagName().equals("application")) {
28              ApplicationConfiguration appConfig = ConfigurationXMLReader.createApplicationConfiguration(config, data.toString());
29              System.err.println("adding application " + appConfig.getName());
30              config.addApplicationConfiguration(appConfig);
32              //now we have read the application configuration probe to see if we can find
33              //builders
34              Strings builders = appConfig.getRequiredNodeManagers();
35              for (int x = 0; x < builders.size(); x++) {
36                  String u = url.toString();
37                  int index = u.lastIndexOf('/');
38                  String base = u.substring(0, index);
39                  String builder = builders.getString(x);
40                  String path = base + "/" + appConfig.getName() + "/builders/" + builder + ".xml";
41                  try {
42                      XMLElement builderXML = new XMLElement();
43                      String builderData = readURL(new URL(path));
44                      builderXML.parseString(builderData);
45                      if (builderXML.getTagName().equals("builder")) {
46                          NodeManagerConfiguration nodeManagerConfiguration =
47                              ConfigurationXMLReader.createNodeManagerConfiguration(config,builderData);
48                          System.err.println("adding nodemanager " + nodeManagerConfiguration.getName());
49                          appConfig.addNodeManagerConfiguration(nodeManagerConfiguration);
50                      }
52                  } catch (Exception e) {
53                      System.err.println("missing " + path);
54                  }
55              }
56              return appConfig;
57          }
58          return null;
59      }
61      private static String readURL(URL url) throws IOException {
62          StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer();
63          InputStream i = url.openStream();
64          BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(i));
65          String line = null;
66          while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
67              data.append(line);
68              data.append("\n");
69          }
70          return data.toString();
71      }
73      //"/home/keesj/work/mmbase/applications/share/applications/build/mmbase-content.jar"
74  }