CPD Report

Found a 17 line (125 tokens) duplication in the following files: 
Starting at line 74 of /home/keesj/dev/mmapps/mmdeveloper/src/net/sf/mmapps/applications/developer/modules/editor/NodeManagerDrawingPanel.java
Starting at line 100 of /home/keesj/dev/mmapps/mmdeveloper/src/net/sf/mmapps/applications/developer/modules/appview/MMBaseNode.java
            } else if (fieldType.equals("INTEGER")) {
            } else if (fieldType.equals("XML")) {
            } else if (fieldType.equals("BYTE")) {
            } else if (fieldType.equals("NODE")) {
            } else {
            g.drawString(fieldConfiguration.getName(), x, y);


Found a 14 line (109 tokens) duplication in the following files: 
Starting at line 76 of /home/keesj/dev/mmapps/mmdeveloper/src/net/sf/mmapps/applications/developer/TableLayout.java
Starting at line 33 of /home/keesj/dev/mmapps/mmdeveloper/src/net/sf/mmapps/applications/developer/TableLayout.java
            Dimension[] dims = new Dimension[componentCount];
            //get all the preferredSizes and put them in an array
            for (int x = 0 ; x < componentCount ; x++){
                Component comp = container.getComponent(x);
                dims[x] = comp.getPreferredSize();
            int[] widths = new int[width];
            //for each row find the width
            for (int x = 0 ; x < componentCount ; x++){
                int compwidth = dims[x].width;
                if (compwidth > widths[ x % width]){
                    widths[x % width] = compwidth;
Found a 13 line (102 tokens) duplication in the following files: 
Starting at line 185 of /home/keesj/dev/mmapps/mmdeveloper/src/com/touchgraph/graphlayout/interaction/HVScroll.java
Starting at line 123 of /home/keesj/dev/mmapps/mmdeveloper/src/com/touchgraph/graphlayout/interaction/RotateScroll.java
            super(orient, val, vis, min, max);
        public void setValue(int v) { doubleValue = v; super.setValue(v); }
        public void setIValue(int v) { super.setValue(v); }
        public void setDValue(double v) {
            doubleValue = Math.max(getMinimum(),Math.min(getMaximum(),v));
            setIValue((int) v);
        public double getDValue() { return doubleValue;}