View Javadoc

1   package org.andromda.core.anttasks;
3   import;
4   import java.text.MessageFormat;
5   import java.util.ArrayList;
6   import java.util.Collection;
8   import;
9   import;
10  import;
11  import;
13  /***
14   * This class implements the <code>&lt;template&gt;</code> tag
15   * which can used within the ant <code>&lt;andromda&gt;</code> 
16   * tag to add additional code generation templates to androMDA.
17   * 
18   * @author Matthias Bohlen
19   *
20   */
21  public class TemplateConfiguration
22  {
24      public TemplateConfiguration()
25      {
26      }
28      /***
29       * Constructor which is used to build default
30       * template configurations when initializing the AndroMDAGenTask.
31       * 
32       * @param stereotype the name of the stereotype
33       * @param sheet name of the style sheet file
34       * @param outputPattern the pattern to build the output file name
35       * @param outputDir the output directory
36       * @param overwrite yes/no whether output file should be overwritten
37       */
38      public TemplateConfiguration(
39          String stereotype,
40          String sheet,
41          String outputPattern,
42          File outputDir,
43          boolean overwrite)
44      {
45          this.stereotype = stereotype;
46          this.sheet = sheet;
47          this.outputPattern = outputPattern;
48          this.outputDir = outputDir;
49          this.overwrite = overwrite;
50          this.transformClass = null;
51      }
53      /***
54       * Sets a reference to the ant project.
55       * Is used when the TemplateConfiguration object is added to the
56       * collection of templates in the AndroMDA ant task.
57       * 
58       * @param p the project
59       */
60      void setProject(Project p)
61      {
62          this.project = p;
63      }
65     /***
66       * Sets the class name of object that the
67       * template code generation scripts will use
68       * to access the object model.  The class must implement
69       * the ScriptHelper interface.
70       * 
71       * <p> This is an optional parameter and if it is not set
72       * it defaults to the default transform class or the
73       * one which was configured using the 
74       * <code>&lt;repository&gt;</code> tag. </p>
75       *  
76       * <p> By writing ones own transformer class some of the
77       * more complicated code generation logic can be moved from
78       * the code generation script and into the transformer
79       * implementation. </p>
80       * 
81       * @see org.andromda.core.common.ScriptHelper
82       * 
83       * @param scriptHelperClassName
84       */
85      public void setTransformClassname(String scriptHelperClassName)
86      {
87           try {
88              transformClass = Class.forName(scriptHelperClassName);
89          }
90          catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
91          {
92              new BuildException(cnfe);
93          }
94      }
97      /***
98       * Returns the class of the transform object
99       * that will be used to the code generation templates
100      * to access the object model.
101      * 
102      * @return Class	
103      */
104 	public Class getTransformClass()
105     {
106     	return transformClass;
107     }
109      /***
110      * Tells us the stereotype in the UML model that
111      * should drive code generation with this template.
112      * @param stereotype the name of the stereotype
113      */
114     public void setStereotype(String stereotype)
115     {
116         this.stereotype = stereotype;
117     }
119     /***
120      * Tells us the stereotype in the UML model that
121      * should drive code generation with this template.
122      * @return String the name of the stereotype
123      */
124     public String getStereotype()
125     {
126         return stereotype;
127     }
129     /***
130      * Tells us which Velocity stylesheet to use as a template.
131      * @param sheet points to the script
132      */
133     public void setSheet(String sheet)
134     {
135         this.sheet = sheet;
136     }
138     /***
139      * Tells us which Velocity stylesheet to use as a template.
140      * @return File points to the script
141      */
142     public String getSheet()
143     {
144         return sheet;
145     }
147     /***
148      * Sets the pattern that is used to build the
149      * name of the output file.
150      * @param outputPattern the pattern in java.text.MessageFormat syntax
151      */
152     public void setOutputPattern(String outputPattern)
153     {
154         this.outputPattern = outputPattern;
155     }
157     /***
158      * Gets the pattern that is used to build the
159      * name of the output file.
160      * @return String the pattern in java.text.MessageFormat syntax
161      */
162     public String getOutputPattern()
163     {
164         return outputPattern;
165     }
167     /***
168      * Sets the directory where the output file
169      * that is generated from this template should be placed,
170      * @param outputDir points to the output directory
171      */
172     public void setOutputDir(File outputDir)
173     {
174         this.outputDir = outputDir;
175     }
177     /***
178      * Sets the directory where the output file
179      * that is generated from this template should be placed,
180      * @return File points to the output directory
181      */
182     public File getOutputDir()
183     {
184         return outputDir;
185     }
187     /***
188      * Tells us whether output files generated by this
189      * template should be overwritten if they already exist.
190      * @param overwrite overwrite the file yes/no
191      */
192     public void setOverwrite(boolean overwrite)
193     {
194         this.overwrite = overwrite;
195     }
197     /***
198      * Tells us whether output files generated by this
199      * template should be overwritten if they already exist.
200      * @return boolean
201      */
202     public boolean isOverwrite()
203     {
204         return overwrite;
205     }
207     /***
208      * Creates a FileSet object when the <code>&lt;fileset&gt;</code> tag
209      * in the build.xml file is encountered.
210      * @return FileSet
211      */
212     public FileSet createFileset()
213     {
214         fileSet = new FileSet();
215         return fileSet;
216     }
218     public class TemplateSingleConfig
219     {
220         TemplateSingleConfig(String sheetName)
221         {
222             this.sheetName = sheetName;
223         }
225         /***
226          * Return the file name of the Velocity stylesheet.
227          * @return String the file name relative to the template path
228          */
229         public String getSheetName()
230         {
231             return sheetName;
232         }
234         /***
235          * Returns the fully qualified output file, that means:
236          * <ul>
237          * <li>the output pattern has been translated</li>
238          * <li>the output dir name has been prepended</li>
239          * </ul>
240          * 
241          * @param inputClassName name of the class from the UML model
242          * @param inputPackageName name of the package from the UML model 
243          *                         in which the class is contained
244          * @return File absolute file
245          */
246         public File getFullyQualifiedOutputFile(
247             String inputClassName,
248             String inputPackageName)
249         {
250             int dotIndex = sheetName.indexOf(".");
251             String sheetBaseName = sheetName.substring(0, dotIndex);
253             Object[] arguments =
254                 {
255                     inputPackageName.replace('.', '/'),
256                     inputClassName,
257                     sheetBaseName,
258                     getStereotype()};
260             String outputFileName =
261                 MessageFormat.format(outputPattern, arguments);
263             return new File(getOutputDir(), outputFileName);
264         }
266         private String sheetName;
267     }
269     /***
270      * Gets the template path of the configured templates.d
271      * If the "sheet" attribute was set, then return null,
272      * because the template will be searched relative to
273      * the "templatePath" attribute of the <code>&lt;uml2ejb&gt;</code> task.
274      * If the <code>&lt;fileset&gt;</code> element was given,
275      * then return the path of that fileset.
276      * 
277      * @return String the template path or null
278      */
279     public String getTemplatePath()
280     {
281         if (sheet != null)
282         {
283             return null;
284         }
286         DirectoryScanner ds = fileSet.getDirectoryScanner(project);
287         return ds.getBasedir().getPath();
288     }
290     /***
291      * Gets a list of template files that were configured
292      * with the <code>&lt;fileset&gt;</code> tag.
293      * @return Collection a collection of templates, described by TemplateSingleConfig objects
294      * @see TemplateSingleConfig
295      */
296     public Collection getTemplateFiles()
297     {
298         ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
299         if (sheet != null)
300         {
301             result.add(new TemplateSingleConfig(sheet));
302             return result;
303         }
305         DirectoryScanner ds = fileSet.getDirectoryScanner(project);
306         String templateFiles[] = ds.getIncludedFiles();
307         for (int i = 0; i < templateFiles.length; i++)
308         {
309             result.add(new TemplateSingleConfig(templateFiles[i]));
310         }
311         return result;
312     }
314     /***
315      * Just for debugging.
316      * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
317      */
318     public String toString()
319     {
320         return "TemplateConfiguration: "
321             + stereotype
322             + " "
323             + sheet
324             + " "
325             + outputPattern
326             + " "
327             + outputDir
328             + " "
329             + overwrite
330             + " "
331             + fileSet;
332     }
334     private FileSet fileSet;
335     private String stereotype;
336     private String sheet;
337     private String outputPattern;
338     private File outputDir;
339     private boolean overwrite;
340     private Project project;
341     private Class transformClass;
342 }