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1   /*
2    * UML2MMBase module.
3    *
4    * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
5    * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
6    * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10   * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
11   * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12   * under the License.
13   */
15  package com.finalist.mmbase.uml;
17  import com.finalist.mmbase.umlprofile.MMBaseUMLProfile;
18  import java.util.Collection;
19  import java.util.Iterator;
21  /***
22   * Value object that models all attributes of a class
23   * including the attributes defined in super classes
24   * and in the implemented interfaces
25   *
26   * Copyright 2003 Finalist IT-Group -- all rights reserved
27   *
28   * @author Rudie Ekkelenkamp.
29   * @version $Revision: 1.8 $, $Date: 2005/01/31 15:09:32 $
30   *
31   */
32  public class MMBaseAttributeVo {
34     private String attributeName;
35     private String attributeType;
36     private Collection stereotypes;
37     private String documentation;
38     private String visibility;
39     private String databaseSize;
40     private String minSize;
41     private String maxSize;
42     private String prompt;
43     private String databaseType;
44     private String fieldType;
45     private String optionListDefinition;
46     private String defaultValue;
47     private boolean system;
52     /***
53      * The constructor
54      *
55      * @param attributeName Name of the attribute
56      * @param attributeType Type of the attribute as specified in the UML model
57      * @param stereotypes Collection of stereotypes for this attribute
58      * @param documentation Documentation on an attribute.
59      * @param visibility Attribute visibility.
60      * @param databaseType MMbase Database on which the type is mapped.
61      * @param prompt Name of the prompt used in the GUI
62      * @param dbSize Database size of the attribute
63      * @param minSize Minimum size of the attribute.
64      * @param maxSize Maximum size of the attribute.
65      * @param fieldType Type used in the gui.
66      * @param optionListDefinition Name of the definition of the list.
67      * @param defaultValue the specified initialValue of an attribute.
68      * @param system defines an attribute as a system attribute, so not for editing in the wizards..
69      */
70     public MMBaseAttributeVo(String attributeName,
71                              String attributeType,
72                              Collection stereotypes,
73                              String documentation,
74                              String visibility,
75                              String databaseType,
76                              String prompt,
77                              String dbSize,
78                              String minSize,
79                              String maxSize,
80                              String fieldType,
81                              String optionListDefinition,
82                              String defaultValue,
83                              boolean system) {
85        this.attributeName = attributeName;
86        this.attributeType = attributeType;
87        this.stereotypes = stereotypes;
88        this.documentation = documentation;
89        this.visibility = visibility;
90        this.databaseType = databaseType;
91        this.databaseSize = dbSize;
92        this.prompt = prompt;
93        this.minSize = minSize;
94        this.maxSize = maxSize;
95        this.fieldType = fieldType;
96        this.optionListDefinition = optionListDefinition;
97        this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
98  	   this.system = system;
99     }
101    /***
102     * get fieldtype
103     * @return field type
104     */
105    public String getFieldType() {
106      // if (fieldType ==null || "".equals(fieldType))return "is null";
107       return fieldType;
108    }
110    /***
111     * setter of field type
112     * @param fieldType the field type
113     */
114    public void setFieldType(String fieldType) {
115       this.fieldType = fieldType;
116    }
118    /***
119     * getter database type.
120     * @return the database type.
121     */
122    public String getDatabaseType() {
123       return databaseType;
124    }
126    /***
127     * setter database type.
128     * @param databaseType the database type
129     */
130    public void setDatabaseType(String databaseType) {
131       this.databaseType = databaseType;
132    }
134    /***
135     * Get the promptname of a field.
136     * @return String with the promptname.
137     */
138    public String getPrompt() {
139       return prompt;
140    }
142    /***
143     * Set the promptName of a field.
144     *
145     * @param prompt name of the prompt.
146     */
147    public void setPrompt(String prompt) {
148       this.prompt = prompt;
149    }
151    /***
152     * getter of the min size.
153     * @return the minimum size.
154     */
155    public String getMinSize() {
156       return minSize;
157    }
159    /***
160     * Setter of the minimum size.
161     * @param minSize the minimum size.
162     */
163    public void setMinSize(String minSize) {
164       this.minSize = minSize;
165    }
167    /***
168     * Getter of the maximum size.
169     * @return the maximum size
170     */
171    public String getMaxSize() {
172       return maxSize;
173    }
175    /***
176     * Setter of the maximum size.
177     * @param maxSize the maximum size.
178     */
179    public void setMaxSize(String maxSize) {
180       this.maxSize = maxSize;
181    }
183    /***
184     * Getter of the database size
185     * @return the database size
186     */
187    public String getDatabaseSize() {
188       return databaseSize;
189    }
191    /***
192     * Setter of the database size.
193     * @param databaseSize the database size.
194     */
195    public void setDatabaseSize(String databaseSize) {
196       this.databaseSize = databaseSize;
197    }
199    /***
200     * Getter of the visibility
201     * @return the visibility
202     */
203    public String getVisibility() {
204       return visibility;
205    }
207    /***
208     * Setter of the visibility
209     * @param visibility the visibility
210     */
211    public void setVisibility(String visibility) {
212       this.visibility = visibility;
213    }
215    /***
216     * Getter of the attribute name.
217     * @return the attribute name.
218     */
219    public String getAttributeName() {
220       return attributeName;
221    }
223    /***
224     * Setter of the attribute name.
225     * @param attributeName the attribute name.
226     */
227    public void setAttributeName(String attributeName) {
228       this.attributeName = attributeName;
229    }
231    /***
232     * Getter of the attribute type.
233     * @return the attribute type.
234     */
235    public String getAttributeType() {
236       return attributeType;
237    }
239    /***
240     * Setter of the attribute type.
241     * @param attributeType the attribute type.
242     */
243    public void setAttributeType(String attributeType) {
244       this.attributeType = attributeType;
245    }
247    /***
248     * Setter of the stereo type.
249     * @param stereoType the stereotype
250     */
251    public void setAttributeStereoType(String stereoType) {
252       stereotypes.add(stereoType);
253    }
255    /***
256     * Get documentation
257     * @return the documentation
258     */
259    public String getDocumentation() {
260       return documentation;
261    }
263    /***
264     * Set the documentation
265     * @param documentation the documentation.
266     */
267    public void setDocumentation(String documentation) {
268       this.documentation = documentation;
269    }
271    /***
272     * Get optionListDefinition
273     * @return the name of the optionListDefinition.
274     */
275    public String getOptionListDefinition() {
276       return optionListDefinition;
277    }
279    /***
280     * Set the optionListDefinition
281     * @param optionListDefinition the name of the file that defines the list.
282     */
283    public void setOptionListDefinition(String optionListDefinition) {
284       this.optionListDefinition = optionListDefinition;
285    }
287 	 /***
288 	 * Returns the value of system.
289 	 */
290 	public boolean isSystem()
291 	{
292       return system;
293 	}
296 	/***
297 	 * Sets the value of system.
298 	 * @param system Weather the attribute is a system attribute (and shoud be hidden from the editors) 
299 	 */
300 	public void setSystem(boolean system)
301 	{
302 		this.system = system;
303 	}
305     /***
306      * Get default value.
307      * @return the default value.
308      */
309     public String getDefaultValue() {
310         return defaultValue;
311 }    /***
312      * Set the default value.
313      * @param defaultValue the default value
314      */
315     public void setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) {
316         this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
317     }
320     /***
321      * Get stereo type.
322      * @return stereotype of the attribute. If there are more stereotypes
323      * a comma separated list will be genereated.
324      * @deprecated use @see #getStrereotypes() or 
325      * @see #hasStereotype(String name) in stead
326      */
327     /*
328     public String getAttributeStereoType() {
329        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
330        boolean first = true;
331        for(Iterator i = stereotypes.iterator() ; i.hasNext();){
332           if(!first) result.append(",");
333           result.append((String);
334           first = false;
335        }
336        return result.toString();
337     }
338     */
340     /***
341      * Set stereotype.
342      * @param stereoType the type.
343      */
344      /*
345     public void setStereoType(String stereoType) {
346         this.stereoType = stereoType;
347     }
348 */
349      /***
350      * Get required.
351      * @return true if attribute is required
352      */
353     public boolean isRequired() {
354         return (stereotypes.contains(MMBaseUMLProfile.STEREOTYPE_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED));
355     }
357      /***
358      * Test if this attribute has a certain stereotype
359      * @return true if stereotype was found
360      */    
361     public boolean hasStereotype(String stereotype){
362        for(Iterator i = stereotypes.iterator() ; i.hasNext() ;){
363           if(((String) true;
364        }
365        return false;
366     }
368     public Collection getAttributeStrereotypes(){
369        return stereotypes;
370     }
373 }