Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle.




org/mmbase/remotepublishing/ 0022
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/ 0052
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/ 003
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/ 00434
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/action/ 003
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/action/ 0016
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/action/package.html 001
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/builders/ 0029
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/builders/ 0062
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/builders/ 0096
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/builders/package.html 001
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/package.html 001
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/util/ 0046
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/util/ 0031
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/util/ 0020
org/mmbase/remotepublishing/util/package.html 001


Error '{' should be on a new line. 33
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 36
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Error '{' should be on a new line. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 42
Error Line has trailing spaces. 46
Error '{' should be on a new line. 49
Error Line has trailing spaces. 55
Error '{' should be on a new line. 58
Error '{' should be on a new line. 59
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 67
Error '{' should be on a new line. 67
Error '3' is a magic number. 71
Error '0.7f' is a magic number. 71
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 77
Error Parameter loginInfo should be final. 77
Error '{' should be on a new line. 77
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 82
Error Parameter request should be final. 82
Error '{' should be on a new line. 82
Error '{' should be on a new line. 86
Error '{' should be on a new line. 88


Error '{' should be on a new line. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error Variable 'log' must be private and have accessor methods. 34
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Error '{' should be on a new line. 36
Error Line has trailing spaces. 39
Error Expected an @return tag. 45
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 45
Error Parameter nameServerCloud should be final. 45
Error Parameter name should be final. 45
Error Redundant throws: 'BridgeException' is unchecked exception. 45
Error '{' should be on a new line. 45
Error '{' should be on a new line. 49
Error Expected an @return tag. 62
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 62
Error Parameter nameServerCloud should be final. 62
Error Parameter name should be final. 62
Error Redundant throws: 'BridgeException' is unchecked exception. 62
Error '{' should be on a new line. 62
Error Line has trailing spaces. 66
Error '{' should be on a new line. 66
Error Expected an @return tag. 79
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 79
Error Parameter nameServerCloud should be final. 79
Error Parameter alias should be final. 79
Error Redundant throws: 'BridgeException' is unchecked exception. 79
Error '{' should be on a new line. 79
Error '{' should be on a new line. 82
Error Line has trailing spaces. 85
Error Expected an @return tag. 94
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 94
Error Parameter nameServerCloud should be final. 94
Error Parameter number should be final. 94
Error Expected @throws tag for 'BridgeException'. 94
Error Redundant throws: 'BridgeException' is unchecked exception. 94
Error '{' should be on a new line. 94
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 100
Error Line has trailing spaces. 102
Error Line has trailing spaces. 104
Error Parameter nameServerCloud should be final. 109
Error Parameter cloud should be final. 109
Error '{' should be on a new line. 109
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 111
Error '{' should be on a new line. 118
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 119
Error Line has trailing spaces. 127
Error Expected an @return tag. 131
Error Parameter cloudNode should be final. 131
Error '{' should be on a new line. 131
Error Line has trailing spaces. 132
Error '{' should be on a new line. 132
Error '{' should be on a new line. 142


Error '{' should be on a new line. 21
Error Line has trailing spaces. 22
Error '{' should be on a new line. 26


Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 37
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 38
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 41
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 46
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 47
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 50
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 51
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 54
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 55
Error '{' should be on a new line. 61
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 64
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 65
Error Name 'MMBASE_PUBLISH_MANAGER' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 65
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 67
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 69
Error '{' should be on a new line. 69
Error Line has trailing spaces. 72
Error Expected an @return tag. 76
Error Parameter node should be final. 76
Error Expected @param tag for 'node'. 76
Error '{' should be on a new line. 76
Error '{' should be on a new line. 80
Error '||' should be on a new line. 83
Error '{' should be on a new line. 84
Error '3' is a magic number. 89
Error '{' should be on a new line. 89
Error Line has trailing spaces. 95
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 97
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 104
Error Parameter remoteCloud should be final. 104
Error Expected @throws tag for 'PublishException'. 105
Error '{' should be on a new line. 105
Error '{' should be on a new line. 106
Error '+' should be on a new line. 107
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 108
Error '{' should be on a new line. 112
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 117
Error '{' should be on a new line. 117
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 118
Error '{' should be on a new line. 121
Error '||' should be on a new line. 122
Error '||' should be on a new line. 123
Error '{' should be on a new line. 124
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 125
Error Line has trailing spaces. 128
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 128
Error Line has trailing spaces. 129
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 131
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 132
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 133
Error '(' is followed by whitespace. 133
Error '||' should be on a new line. 133
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 134
Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 134
Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 134
Error '{' should be on a new line. 134
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 135
Error '{' should be on a new line. 142
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 143
Error '{' should be on a new line. 145
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 146
Error '+' should be on a new line. 147
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 148
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 158
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 164
Error Parameter remoteCloud should be final. 164
Error '{' should be on a new line. 164
Error '{' should be on a new line. 165
Error '{' should be on a new line. 168
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 170
Error '{' should be on a new line. 174
Error '||' should be on a new line. 178
Error '||' should be on a new line. 179
Error '{' should be on a new line. 180
Error Line has trailing spaces. 190
Error Parameter sourceNode should be final. 197
Error Parameter destinationNode should be final. 197
Error Parameter field should be final. 198
Error '{' should be on a new line. 198
Error '{' should be on a new line. 202
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 244
Error Parameter localRelation should be final. 244
Error Parameter remoteCloud should be final. 244
Error '{' should be on a new line. 244
Error '{' should be on a new line. 245
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 248
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 249
Error Line has trailing spaces. 250
Error Line has trailing spaces. 251
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 252
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 253
Error '{' should be on a new line. 255
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 256
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 257
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 259
Error Line has trailing spaces. 260
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 261
Error '{' should be on a new line. 262
Error Line has trailing spaces. 265
Error '||' should be on a new line. 266
Error '||' should be on a new line. 267
Error '||' should be on a new line. 268
Error '||' should be on a new line. 269
Error '||' should be on a new line. 270
Error '{' should be on a new line. 271
Error Line has trailing spaces. 276
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 282
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 282
Error Parameter remoteNode should be final. 282
Error '{' should be on a new line. 282
Error '{' should be on a new line. 284
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 289
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 289
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 289
Error Parameter remoteCloud should be final. 289
Error '{' should be on a new line. 289
Error '{' should be on a new line. 291
Error '{' should be on a new line. 294
Error Line has trailing spaces. 297
Error '{' should be on a new line. 298
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 300
Error '{' should be on a new line. 300
Error '{' should be on a new line. 301
Error '{' should be on a new line. 305
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 306
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 308
Error '+' should be on a new line. 308
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 309
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 310
Error '{' should be on a new line. 310
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 311
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 314
Error '{' should be on a new line. 314
Error '{' should be on a new line. 315
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 316
Error '+' should be on a new line. 316
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 318
Error '{' should be on a new line. 320
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 321
Error '+' should be on a new line. 321
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 322
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 324
Error '{' should be on a new line. 324
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 325
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 326
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 328
Error '{' should be on a new line. 328
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 329
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 334
Error Parameter localCloud should be final. 335
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 336
Error Parameter remoteCloud should be final. 337
Error Parameter remoteNode should be final. 338
Error '{' should be on a new line. 338
Error Line has trailing spaces. 339
Error Line has trailing spaces. 342
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 345
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 346
Error ',' is not followed by whitespace. 346
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 348
Error '1000' is a magic number. 350
Error Line has trailing spaces. 352
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 355
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 357
Error '1000' is a magic number. 359
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 365
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 366
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 367
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 371
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 373
Error '{' should be on a new line. 373
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 379
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 380
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 381
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 386
Error Parameter localNumber should be final. 388
Error Parameter localCloud should be final. 388
Error '{' should be on a new line. 388
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 391
Error '+' should be on a new line. 391
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 392
Error '{' should be on a new line. 394
Error '{' should be on a new line. 397
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 398
Error '+' should be on a new line. 398
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 406
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 407
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 408
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 415
Error Parameter remoteCloud should be final. 415
Error '{' should be on a new line. 415
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 416
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 421
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 422
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 423
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 431
Error Parameter localNumber should be final. 431
Error Parameter localCloud should be final. 431
Error Parameter remoteCloud should be final. 431
Error '{' should be on a new line. 431
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 434
Error '+' should be on a new line. 434
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 435
Error '+' should be on a new line. 435
Error '+' should be on a new line. 436
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 437
Error '{' should be on a new line. 439
Error Line has trailing spaces. 441
Error '{' should be on a new line. 442
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 443
Error '+' should be on a new line. 443
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 444
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 450
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 451
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 452
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 458
Error '{' should be on a new line. 458
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 463
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 464
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 465
Error Parameter localNumber should be final. 472
Error Parameter localCloud should be final. 472
Error '{' should be on a new line. 472
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 475
Error '+' should be on a new line. 475
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 476
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 487
Error Parameter remoteCloud should be final. 487
Error '{' should be on a new line. 487
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 488
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 499
Error Parameter localNumber should be final. 499
Error Parameter localCloud should be final. 499
Error Parameter remoteCloud should be final. 499
Error '{' should be on a new line. 499
Error '+' should be on a new line. 501
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 502
Error '+' should be on a new line. 502
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 503
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 515
Error '{' should be on a new line. 515
Error '{' should be on a new line. 516
Error '{' should be on a new line. 519
Error '{' should be on a new line. 522
Error '{' should be on a new line. 528
Error '{' should be on a new line. 529
Error Parameter sourceNode should be final. 542
Error Parameter destinationNode should be final. 542
Error '{' should be on a new line. 542
Error Parameter sourceCloud should be final. 555
Error Expected @param tag for 'sourceCloud'. 555
Error Parameter destinationCloud should be final. 555
Error Expected @param tag for 'destinationCloud'. 555
Error Parameter sourceNumber should be final. 556
Error Expected @param tag for 'sourceNumber'. 556
Error Parameter destinationNumber should be final. 556
Error Expected @param tag for 'destinationNumber'. 556
Error '{' should be on a new line. 556
Error '{' should be on a new line. 558
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 560
Error '+' should be on a new line. 561
Error '+' should be on a new line. 562
Error Line has trailing spaces. 563
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 563
Error '+' should be on a new line. 563
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 564
Error 'for' is not followed by whitespace. 567
Error '{' should be on a new line. 567
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 572
Error '+' should be on a new line. 573
Error '+' should be on a new line. 574
Error Line has trailing spaces. 575
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 575
Error '+' should be on a new line. 575
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 576
Error 'for' is not followed by whitespace. 579
Error '{' should be on a new line. 579
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 586
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 587
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 594
Error Parameter remoteCloud should be final. 594
Error '{' should be on a new line. 594
Error Line has trailing spaces. 599
Error '{' should be on a new line. 601
Error '+' should be on a new line. 602
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 603
Error '+' should be on a new line. 603
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 604
Error '{' should be on a new line. 607
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 608
Error '+' should be on a new line. 609
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 610
Error '+' should be on a new line. 610
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 611
Error Line has trailing spaces. 614
Error '{' should be on a new line. 615
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 616
Error '{' should be on a new line. 620
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 621
Error '+' should be on a new line. 621
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 622
Error '{' should be on a new line. 624
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 625
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 636
Error '{' should be on a new line. 636
Error Parameter localCloud should be final. 647
Error Parameter localNumber should be final. 647
Error '{' should be on a new line. 647
Error Line has trailing spaces. 650
Error '+' should be on a new line. 650
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 651
Error '{' should be on a new line. 656
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 658
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 659
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 672
Error '{' should be on a new line. 672
Error '{' should be on a new line. 673
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 674
Error '{' should be on a new line. 676
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 680
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 692
Error Parameter localCloud should be final. 692
Error Expected @param tag for 'localCloud'. 692
Error Parameter destinationNumber should be final. 692
Error Expected @param tag for 'destinationNumber'. 692
Error Parameter destinationCloud should be final. 692
Error Expected @param tag for 'destinationCloud'. 692
Error '{' should be on a new line. 692
Error '{' should be on a new line. 693
Error '+' should be on a new line. 696
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 697
Error '{' should be on a new line. 700
Error '{' should be on a new line. 704
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 706
Error '+' should be on a new line. 706
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 707
Error '+' should be on a new line. 707
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 721
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 725
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 725
Error Expected @throws tag for 'PublishException'. 725
Error '{' should be on a new line. 725
Error '{' should be on a new line. 726
Error '{' should be on a new line. 727
Error '{' should be on a new line. 733
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 743
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 743
Error Parameter remoteNode should be final. 743
Error '{' should be on a new line. 743
Error Line has trailing spaces. 746
Error '{' should be on a new line. 747
Error Line has trailing spaces. 750
Error '||' should be on a new line. 751
Error '||' should be on a new line. 752
Error '||' should be on a new line. 753
Error '||' should be on a new line. 754
Error '||' should be on a new line. 755
Error '||' should be on a new line. 756
Error '||' should be on a new line. 757
Error '{' should be on a new line. 758
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 764
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 764
Error Parameter remoteNode should be final. 764
Error '{' should be on a new line. 764
Error Line has trailing spaces. 767
Error '{' should be on a new line. 768
Error '{' should be on a new line. 770
Error Line has trailing spaces. 774
Error '{' should be on a new line. 775
Error '{' should be on a new line. 777
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 783
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 783
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 783
Error Parameter remoteNode should be final. 783
Error '{' should be on a new line. 783
Error Line has trailing spaces. 786
Error '{' should be on a new line. 788
Error Line has trailing spaces. 790
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 791
Error '{' should be on a new line. 792
Error '{' should be on a new line. 794
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 795
Error '{' should be on a new line. 796
Error Line has trailing spaces. 799
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 800
Error 'catch' is not followed by whitespace. 800
Error '{' should be on a new line. 800
Error '{' should be on a new line. 803
Error '{' should be on a new line. 804
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 805
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 806
Error '+' should be on a new line. 806
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 807
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 809
Error Line has trailing spaces. 813
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 818
Error Parameter localNode should be final. 821
Error '{' should be on a new line. 821
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 826
Error Parameter localCloud should be final. 831
Error Expected @param tag for 'localCloud'. 831
Error Parameter localNumber should be final. 831
Error Expected @param tag for 'localNumber'. 831
Error '{' should be on a new line. 831
Error '{' should be on a new line. 834
Error '{' should be on a new line. 838
Error '{' should be on a new line. 841
Error '{' should be on a new line. 843
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 844
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 845
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 850
Error '{' should be on a new line. 850
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 851
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 855
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 855
Error Parameter localCloud should be final. 855
Error Parameter localNumber should be final. 855
Error Parameter remoteNode should be final. 855
Error '{' should be on a new line. 855
Error Line has trailing spaces. 859
Error '{' should be on a new line. 860
Error Line has trailing spaces. 863
Error '{' should be on a new line. 864
Error Line has trailing spaces. 866
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 868
Error '{' should be on a new line. 872
Error '{' should be on a new line. 873
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 874
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 875
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 877
Error '{' should be on a new line. 877
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 879
Error Line has trailing spaces. 885
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 886


Error '{' should be on a new line. 25
Error Line has trailing spaces. 36
Error Line has trailing spaces. 43


Error Line has trailing spaces. 21
Error Line has trailing spaces. 23
Error Line has trailing spaces. 24
Error '{' should be on a new line. 28
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 31
Error Method 'inserted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 36
Error Parameter nodenumber should be final. 36
Error '{' should be on a new line. 36
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 41
Error Method 'committed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 43
Error Parameter node should be final. 43
Error '{' should be on a new line. 43
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 48
Error Method 'removed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 50
Error Parameter node should be final. 50
Error '{' should be on a new line. 50


Error Missing package documentation file.0


Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
Error '{' should be on a new line. 23
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 25
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 25
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Error Name 'publish' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 26
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 28
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Error '{' should be on a new line. 28
Error '{' should be on a new line. 29
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 32
Error '{' should be on a new line. 32
Error Method 'insert' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Error Parameter owner should be final. 38
Error Parameter node should be final. 38
Error '{' should be on a new line. 38
Error '{' should be on a new line. 40
Error '{' should be on a new line. 41
Error Method 'commit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 48
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 48
Error Parameter objectNode should be final. 48
Error '{' should be on a new line. 48
Error '{' should be on a new line. 51
Error Method 'removeNode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 57
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 57
Error Parameter objectNode should be final. 57
Error '{' should be on a new line. 57
Error '{' should be on a new line. 58


Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 27
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 28
Error Line has trailing spaces. 29
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 30
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 31
Error Line has trailing spaces. 33
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 34
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 35
Error Line has trailing spaces. 37
Error '{' should be on a new line. 42
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 44
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Error Name 'publish' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 46
Error Line has trailing spaces. 47
Error Name 'publishActionClassName' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 49
Error Name 'myRealName' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 54
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 56
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
Error '{' should be on a new line. 56
Error '{' should be on a new line. 57
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 60
Error '{' should be on a new line. 60
Error Line has trailing spaces. 63
Error '{' should be on a new line. 65
Error Method 'insert' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 74
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 74
Error Parameter owner should be final. 74
Error Parameter node should be final. 74
Error '{' should be on a new line. 74
Error '{' should be on a new line. 77
Error '{' should be on a new line. 78
Error '{' should be on a new line. 81
Error Method 'commit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 89
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 89
Error Parameter objectNode should be final. 89
Error '{' should be on a new line. 89
Error '{' should be on a new line. 90
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 92
Error '+' should be on a new line. 92
Error '{' should be on a new line. 100
Error Line has trailing spaces. 102
Error '{' should be on a new line. 104
Error '{' should be on a new line. 108
Error '{' should be on a new line. 112
Error Method 'removeNode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 120
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 120
Error Parameter objectNode should be final. 120
Error '{' should be on a new line. 120
Error '{' should be on a new line. 123
Error '{' should be on a new line. 126
Error Line has trailing spaces. 133
Error Line has trailing spaces. 135
Error '{' should be on a new line. 138
Error '{' should be on a new line. 139
Error '{' should be on a new line. 140
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 142
Error '{' should be on a new line. 145
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 146
Error '{' should be on a new line. 148
Error '{' should be on a new line. 151
Error Line has trailing spaces. 155


Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 35
Error '{' should be on a new line. 35
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 36
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Error Name 'remoteCloudNumber' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 40
Error Variable 'remoteCloudNumber' must be private and have accessor methods. 40
Error Line has trailing spaces. 41
Error Name 'remoteCloudName' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 43
Error Variable 'remoteCloudName' must be private and have accessor methods. 43
Error Name 'interval' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 46
Error '60' is a magic number. 46
Error '1000' is a magic number. 46
Error Line has trailing spaces. 47
Error Expected an @return tag. 53
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 53
Error '{' should be on a new line. 53
Error '{' should be on a new line. 55
Error '{' should be on a new line. 58
Error '{' should be on a new line. 65
Error '1000' is a magic number. 68
Error '{' should be on a new line. 70
Error Line has trailing spaces. 74
Error '{' should be on a new line. 75
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 76
Error Method 'commit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 82
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 82
Error Parameter objectNodenode should be final. 82
Error '{' should be on a new line. 82
Error Method 'setDefaults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 87
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 87
Error Parameter node should be final. 87
Error '{' should be on a new line. 87
Error '1000' is a magic number. 88
Error '{' should be on a new line. 90
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 91
Error Method 'run' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 98
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 98
Error '{' should be on a new line. 98
Error '{' should be on a new line. 104
Error '{' should be on a new line. 105
Error Line has trailing spaces. 107
Error '{' should be on a new line. 108
Error '{' should be on a new line. 112
Error Line has trailing spaces. 114
Error '{' should be on a new line. 115
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 117
Error '{' should be on a new line. 119
Error '{' should be on a new line. 121
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 122
Error '{' should be on a new line. 122
Error '{' should be on a new line. 123
Error '{' should be on a new line. 124
Error Line has trailing spaces. 129
Error '{' should be on a new line. 130
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 131
Error Line has trailing spaces. 135
Error Line has trailing spaces. 136
Error '{' should be on a new line. 136
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 137
Error '{' should be on a new line. 137
Error '{' should be on a new line. 142
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 143
Error Expected an @return tag. 155
Error Parameter publishQueueNode should be final. 155
Error Expected @param tag for 'publishQueueNode'. 155
Error '{' should be on a new line. 155
Error Line has trailing spaces. 158
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 159
Error Parameter publishQueueNode should be final. 159
Error '{' should be on a new line. 159
Error '{' should be on a new line. 167
Error '{' should be on a new line. 168
Error '{' should be on a new line. 169
Error '{' should be on a new line. 170
Error '+' should be on a new line. 171
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 173
Error '{' should be on a new line. 173
Error '+' should be on a new line. 174
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 179
Error '{' should be on a new line. 179
Error '{' should be on a new line. 180
Error '+' should be on a new line. 181
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 183
Error '{' should be on a new line. 183
Error '+' should be on a new line. 184
Error '{' should be on a new line. 191
Error '}' should be alone on a line. 194
Error '{' should be on a new line. 194
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 195
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 199
Error Parameter publishQueueNode should be final. 199
Error '{' should be on a new line. 199
Error '{' should be on a new line. 203
Error Line has trailing spaces. 207
Error '{' should be on a new line. 208


Error Missing package documentation file.0


Error Missing package documentation file.0


Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - org.mmbase.bridge.*. 16
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.util.*. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
Error '{' should be on a new line. 21
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
Error Name 'iter' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 22
Error Variable 'iter' must be private and have accessor methods. 22
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Error Parameter iter should be final. 24
Error 'iter' hides a field. 24
Error '{' should be on a new line. 24
Error Method 'hasNext' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 28
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Error '{' should be on a new line. 28
Error Method 'next' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error '{' should be on a new line. 32
Error Method 'hasPrevious' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 36
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Error '{' should be on a new line. 36
Error Method 'previous' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 40
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Error '{' should be on a new line. 40
Error Method 'nextIndex' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 44
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
Error '{' should be on a new line. 44
Error Method 'previousIndex' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 48
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 48
Error '{' should be on a new line. 48
Error Method 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 52
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Error Parameter o should be final. 52
Error '{' should be on a new line. 52
Error Method 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 56
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
Error Parameter o should be final. 56
Error '{' should be on a new line. 56
Error Method 'remove' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 60
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 60
Error '{' should be on a new line. 60
Error Method 'nextNode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 64
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Error '{' should be on a new line. 64
Error Method 'previousNode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 68
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 68
Error '{' should be on a new line. 68


Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Error '{' should be on a new line. 28
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
Error Name 'prop' must match pattern '^f[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 29
Error Method 'getNode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 31
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Error Parameter index should be final. 31
Error '{' should be on a new line. 31
Error Method 'nodeIterator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 35
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Error '{' should be on a new line. 35
Error Method 'subNodeList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 39
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Error Parameter fromIndex should be final. 39
Error Parameter toIndex should be final. 39
Error '{' should be on a new line. 39
Error Method 'getProperty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 46
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Error Parameter key should be final. 46
Error '{' should be on a new line. 46
Error Method 'setProperty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 50
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
Error Parameter key should be final. 50
Error Parameter val should be final. 50
Error '{' should be on a new line. 50
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
Error '{' should be on a new line. 54
Error Method 'sort' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 58
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
Error Parameter comp should be final. 58
Error '{' should be on a new line. 58


Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - org.mmbase.bridge.*. 16
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - org.mmbase.module.core.*. 17
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - org.mmbase.util.logging.*. 18
Error Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 27
Error '{' should be on a new line. 27
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 28
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Error Name 'PublishOrUpdateNode' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 34
Error Parameter objectNodenode should be final. 34
Error '{' should be on a new line. 34
Error Name 'PublishOrUpdateNode' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 43
Error Parameter node should be final. 43
Error '{' should be on a new line. 43
Error Name 'PublishOrUpdateNode' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 52
Error Parameter number should be final. 52
Error '{' should be on a new line. 52
Error Parameter objectNodenode should be final. 66
Error '{' should be on a new line. 66
Error Parameter number should be final. 75
Error '{' should be on a new line. 75


Error Missing package documentation file.0