Uses of Class

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in com.touchgraph.graphlayout

Fields in com.touchgraph.graphlayout declared as Node
 Node Edge.from
protected  Node TGPanel.mouseOverN
protected  Node

Methods in com.touchgraph.graphlayout that return Node
 Node Edge.getFrom()
          Returns the starting "from" node of this edge as Node.
 Node Edge.getTo()
          Returns the terminating "to" node of this edge as Node.
 Node Edge.getOtherEndpt(Node n)
 Node TGPanel.findNode(java.lang.String id)
          Return the Node whose ID matches the String id, null if no match is found.
 Node TGPanel.findNodeLabelContaining(java.lang.String substring)
          Return the first Nodes whose label contains the String substring, null if no match is found.
 Node TGPanel.addNode()
          Adds a Node, with its ID and label being the current node count plus 1.
 Node TGPanel.addNode(java.lang.String label)
          Adds a Node, provided its label.
 Node TGPanel.addNode(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String label)
          Adds a Node, provided its ID and label.
 Node TGPanel.getSelect()
 Node TGPanel.getMouseOverN()
 Node TGPanel.getDragNode()

Methods in com.touchgraph.graphlayout with parameters of type Node
 void LocalityUtils.setLocale(Node n, int radius, int maxAddEdgeCount, int maxExpandEdgeCount, boolean unidirectional)
 void LocalityUtils.setLocale(Node n, int radius)
 void LocalityUtils.expandNode(Node n)
          Add to locale nodes that are one edge away from a given node.
 void LocalityUtils.hideNode(Node hideNode)
          Hides a node, and all the nodes attached to it.
 void LocalityUtils.collapseNode(Node collapseNode)
          Opposite of expand node, works like hide node except that the selected node is not hidden.
 Node Edge.getOtherEndpt(Node n)
 void TGPanel.addNode(Node node)
          Add the Node node to the visibleLocality, checking for ID uniqueness.
 boolean TGPanel.deleteNode(Node node)
 void TGPanel.setMouseOverN(Node node)
 void TGPanel.deleteEdge(Node from, Node to)
 Edge TGPanel.findEdge(Node f, Node t)
 Edge TGPanel.addEdge(Node f, Node t, int tens)
 void TGPanel.setSelect(Node node)
 void TGPanel.setLocale(Node node, int radius, int maxAddEdgeCount, int maxExpandEdgeCount, boolean unidirectional)
 void TGPanel.setLocale(Node node, int radius)
 void TGPanel.expandNode(Node node)
 void TGPanel.hideNode(Node hideNode)
 void TGPanel.collapseNode(Node collapseNode)
 void TGPanel.setDragNode(Node node)
 void TGPanel.updateDrawPos(Node node)
 void TGPanel.updatePosFromDraw(Node node)

Constructors in com.touchgraph.graphlayout with parameters of type Node
Edge(Node f, Node t, int len)
          Constructor with two Nodes and a length.
Edge(Node f, Node t)
          Constructor with two Nodes, which uses a default length.

Uses of Node in com.touchgraph.graphlayout.graphelements

Methods in com.touchgraph.graphlayout.graphelements that return Node
 Node ImmutableGraphEltSet.findNode(java.lang.String id)
          Return the Node whose ID matches the String id, null if no match is found.
 Node ImmutableGraphEltSet.findNodeLabelContaining(java.lang.String substring)
          Return the first Nodes whose label contains the String substring, null if no match is found.
 Node ImmutableGraphEltSet.getRandomNode()
          Returns a random node, or null if none exist (for making random graphs).
 Node ImmutableGraphEltSet.getFirstNode()
          Return the first Node, null if none exist.
protected  Node GraphEltSet.nodeAt(int i)
          Return the Node at int index, null if none are available.
 Node GraphEltSet.findNode(java.lang.String id)
          Return the Node whose ID matches the String id, null if no match is found.
 Node GraphEltSet.findNodeLabelContaining(java.lang.String substring)
          Return the first Nodes whose label contains the String substring, null if no match is found.
 Node GraphEltSet.getRandomNode()
          Returns a random node, or null if none exist (for making random graphs).
 Node GraphEltSet.getFirstNode()
          Return the first Node, null if none exist.
 Node TGNodeQueue.pop()

Methods in com.touchgraph.graphlayout.graphelements with parameters of type Node
 Edge ImmutableGraphEltSet.findEdge(Node from, Node to)
          Return an Edge spanning Node from to Node to.
 void VisibleLocality.addNode(Node node)
 boolean VisibleLocality.removeNode(Node node)
abstract  void TGForEachNode.forEachNode(Node n)
 void TGForEachNodePair.beforeInnerLoop(Node n1)
 void TGForEachNodePair.afterInnerLoop(Node n1)
abstract  void TGForEachNodePair.forEachNodePair(Node n1, Node n2)
static java.util.Hashtable GESUtils.calculateDistances(GraphEltSet ges, Node focusNode, int radius, int maxAddEdgeCount, int maxExpandEdgeCount, boolean unidirectional)
          Returns a hashtable of Node-Integer pairs, where integers are the minimum distance from the focusNode to any given Node, and the Nodes in the Hashtable are all within radius distance from the focusNode.
static java.util.Hashtable GESUtils.calculateDistances(GraphEltSet ges, Node focusNode, int radius)
 void GraphEltSet.addNode(Node node)
          Add the Node node to the graph, and registers the Node via its ID.
 boolean GraphEltSet.contains(Node node)
          Returns true if the graph contains the Node node.
 Edge GraphEltSet.addEdge(Node from, Node to, int tension)
          Add an Edge from Node from to Node to, with tension of int tension, returning the Edge.
 Edge GraphEltSet.findEdge(Node from, Node to)
          Return an Edge spanning Node from to Node to.
 boolean GraphEltSet.deleteEdge(Node from, Node to)
          Delete the Edge spanning Node from to Node to, returning true if successful.
 boolean GraphEltSet.deleteNode(Node node)
          Delete the Node node, returning true if successful.
 void TGNodeQueue.push(Node n)
 boolean TGNodeQueue.contains(Node n)
 void Locality.addNode(Node n)
 void Locality.addNodeWithEdges(Node n)
 Edge Locality.findEdge(Node from, Node to)
 boolean Locality.deleteNode(Node node)
 boolean Locality.removeNode(Node node)

Uses of Node in com.touchgraph.graphlayout.interaction

Methods in com.touchgraph.graphlayout.interaction with parameters of type Node
 void HVScroll.scrollToCenter(Node n)
 void HVScroll.slowScrollToCenter(Node n)

Uses of Node in net.sf.mmapps.applications.developer.modules.appview

Subclasses of Node in net.sf.mmapps.applications.developer.modules.appview
 class MMBaseNode

Constructors in net.sf.mmapps.applications.developer.modules.appview with parameters of type Node
MMBaseEdge(net.sf.mmapps.modules.config.RelationManagerConfiguration relman, Node firstNode, Node secondNode)
MMBaseEdge(net.sf.mmapps.modules.config.RelationManagerConfiguration relman, Node firstNode, Node secondNode, int strength)
MMBaseInheritanceEdge(Node firstNode, Node secondNode)
MMBaseInheritanceEdge(Node firstNode, Node secondNode, int strength)

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