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1   package net.sf.mmapps.commons.util;
3   /***
4    * @author Nico Klasens
5    */
6   public class StringUtil {
8       /***
9        * is Empty.String
10       * 
11       * @param str String to check emptiness
12       * @return boolean is it empty
13       */
14      public static boolean isEmpty(String str) {
15          return (str == null) || "".equals(str);
16      }
18      /***
19       * is Empty Or Whitespace.String
20       * 
21       * @param str String to check emptiness
22       * @return boolean is it empty
23       */
24      public static boolean isEmptyOrWhitespace(String str) {
25          return (str == null) || "".equals(str.trim());
26      }
28      /***
29       * Add Leading the string
30       * 
31       * @param str String to add character in front of
32       * @param ch character to add
33       * @param total total length of output string
34       * @return String with leading characters
35       */
36      public static String addLeadingChar(String str, char ch, int total) {
37          String result = str;
39          while (result.length() < total) {
40              result = ch + result;
41          }
43          return result;
44      }
46      /***
47       * Transforms a string by replacing every occurence of a given searchstring with another string.
48       * <br>
49       * If the string or searchstring is empty then the string is returned without modifictions. The
50       * searchstring occurences are deleted from the string if the replace string is empty Example :<br>
51       * <ul>
52       * replace("12345","34","678") gives "126785".
53       * </ul>
54       * 
55       * @param str The sourcestring.
56       * @param oldToken The searchstring.
57       * @param newToken The replacestring.
58       * @return The transformed string.
59       */
60      public static String replace(String str, String oldToken, String newToken) {
61          if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(oldToken)) {
62              // Nothing can be done on the input value
63              // just return here to stop further processing
64              return str;
65          }
67          // Check that the input parameters are not null
68          if (newToken == null) {
69              newToken = "";
70          }
72          StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("");
73          int pos = str.indexOf(oldToken);
74          int startOfIndex = 0;
75          while (pos != -1) {
76              result.append(str.substring(startOfIndex, pos));
77              result.append(newToken);
78              startOfIndex = pos + oldToken.length();
79              pos = str.indexOf(oldToken, startOfIndex);
80          }
81          // add the leftover of the input string
82          result.append(str.substring(startOfIndex));
83          return result.toString();
84      }
86      /***
87       * Transforms a string by replacing every occurence of a given searchstring with another string.
88       * <br>
89       * If the string or searchstring is empty then the string is returned without modifictions. The
90       * searchstring occurences are deleted from the string if the replace string is empty Example :<br>
91       * <ul>
92       * replace("12345","34","678") gives "126785".
93       * </ul>
94       * 
95       * @param str The sourcestring.
96       * @param oldToken The searchstring.
97       * @param newToken The replacestring.
98       * @return The transformed string.
99       */
100     public static String replaceIgnoreCase(String str, String oldToken, String newToken) {
101         if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(oldToken)) {
102             // Nothing can be done on the input value
103             // just return here to stop further processing
104             return str;
105         }
106         // Check that the input parameters are not null
107         if (newToken == null) {
108             newToken = "";
109         }
111         StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(str.length() + 100);
112         String strLower = str.toLowerCase();
113         String oldTokenLower = oldToken.toLowerCase();
115         int i = strLower.indexOf(oldTokenLower);
116         int startOfIndex = 0;
117         while (i != -1) {
118             result.append(str.substring(startOfIndex, i));
119             result.append(newToken);
120             startOfIndex = i + oldToken.length();
121             i = strLower.indexOf(oldTokenLower, startOfIndex);
122         }
123         // add the leftover of the input string
124         result.append(str.substring(startOfIndex));
125         return result.toString();
126     }
128     /***
129      * This method counts the occurences of 'needle' in the string 'haystack'.
130      * 
131      * @param haystack full string
132      * @param needle needle to search for
133      * @return number of occurences
134      */
135     public static int countOccurences(String haystack, String needle) {
136         return countOccurences(haystack, needle, 0);
137     }
139     /***
140      * This method counts the occurences of 'needle' in the string 'haystack' starting from position
141      * 'position'.
142      * 
143      * @param haystack full string
144      * @param needle needle to search for
145      * @param position starting position
146      * @return number of occurences
147      */
148     public static int countOccurences(String haystack, String needle, int position) {
149         int count = 0;
151         if ((haystack != null) && (needle != null)) {
152             position = haystack.indexOf(needle, position);
154             while (position >= 0) {
155                 count++;
156                 position = haystack.indexOf(needle, position + 1);
157             }
158         }
160         return count;
161     }
163     public static String escapeXml(String str) {
164         str = str.replaceAll("&", "&amp;");
165         str = str.replaceAll("<", "&lt;");
166         str = str.replaceAll(">", "&gt;");
167         str = str.replaceAll("\"", "&quot;");
168         str = str.replaceAll("'", "&apos;");
169         return str;
170     }
172     /***
173      * Generates a String with length 'len', filled with random(ish) characters from 'begin' to
174      * 'end'. e.g. randomString(3, 'a', 'm') can return "kgm", "faa", "dlb", etc. but never "kgn"
175      * (because 'n' doesn't lie between 'a' and 'm')
176      * 
177      * @param len the length of the desired string
178      * @param begin the first valid character in the sequence of possible characters
179      * @param end the first valid character in the sequence of possible characters
180      * @return the random(ish) string, as specified by the above parameters
181      */
182     public static String randomString(int len, char begin, char end) {
183         if (end < begin) {
184             char temp = begin;
185             begin = end;
186             end = temp;
187         }
189         String temp = "";
190         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
191             temp += "" + (char) (begin + (int) (Math.random() * (end - begin + 1)));
192         }
193         return temp;
194     }
196     /***
197      * Wraps the given string, using the java.text.BreakIterator.
198      * @param str The string that might be too long
199      * @param lineLength The maximum length of the lines to be returned.
200      * @return wrapped string
201      */
202     public static String wrap(String str, int lineLength) {
203         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
205         java.text.BreakIterator iterator = java.text.BreakIterator.getWordInstance();
206         iterator.setText(str);
207         int index;
208         int oldIndex = 0;
209         int lineStart = 0;
210         while ((index = != java.text.BreakIterator.DONE) {
211             if (index - lineStart > lineLength) {
212                 sb.append(str.substring(lineStart, oldIndex));
214                 // include dot or comma
215                 if (str.charAt(oldIndex) == '.' || str.charAt(oldIndex) == ',') {
216                     sb.append(str.charAt(oldIndex));
217                     oldIndex++;
218                 }
219                 sb.append('\n');
221                 // skip whitespace
222                 if (str.charAt(oldIndex) == ' ') {
223                     oldIndex++;
224                 }
225                 lineStart = oldIndex;
226             }
227             oldIndex = index;
228         }
229         // append the last part of the string!
230         sb.append(str.substring(lineStart));
232         return sb.toString();
233     }
235     /***
236      * Returns a new string with the given maximum length of the given string, with "..." appended
237      * to the end if the maximum length was exceeded.
238      * 
239      * @param str The string that might be too long
240      * @param maxLength The maximum length of the string to be returned, ignored if &lt;= 0.
241      * @return truncated string
242      */
243     public static String truncate(String str, int maxLength) {
244         if (str == null) return null;
245         if (maxLength > 0) {
246             if (str.length() > maxLength) {
247                 return str.substring(0, Math.max(0, maxLength - 3)) + "...";
248             }
249         }
250         return str;
251     }
254     /***
255      * Remove all whitespaces from a string
256      *
257      * @param s String which might contain whitespaces
258      * @return String which contains no whitespaces any more
259      */
260     public static String removeWhitespaces(String s) {
261         if (s == null) s = "";
263         StringBuffer sbNew = new StringBuffer();
264         for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
265             if (!Character.isSpaceChar(s.charAt(i))) {
266                 sbNew.append(s.charAt(i));
267             }
268         }
269         return sbNew.toString();
270     }
272 }