The Linkchecker is configured via a property file that is given at the command line while starting. The configuration is split in 2 parts one "global configuration" located in net/sf/mmapps/modules/linkchecker/ and a local configuration given at de commad line (example: config/localhost.config). At startup first the global configuration is read and the local configuration is added to the global configuration. This means that it's possible to override the global configuration. Unless specified all properties are required. This documentaion is kept sync by hand. also look at the property names defined in the java source core
those properties define what plugins to use in the reactor,
property | description |
plugin.names | a , separated list of plugins to be performed for each plugin a property plugin.[name].class must be defined, plugins must implement ReactorPlugin. The pluins are first registered and after they are processed in the order they aprear here. This is why it's handy toi use the fetchlinks plugin as the first in the list |
plugin.[name].class | the class to witch [name] must point |
The FetchLinksFromHttpPlugins aquires a list of urls(this is currently a required plugin)
property | description |
linkchecker.urllist.url | Set the source url from witch to get a list of urls |
The MaxLimitPlugin is an optional plugin that limits the amount of links that are checked
property | description |
linkchecker.maxlimit | if more then maxlimit links are found the remaining links are removed |
The InternalReferencePlugin plugin is a plugin that adds comments to the link when it matches the property and adds a comment that internal urls should not be handled by urls but must be handled by the CMS
property | description |
---|---| | the url that is to match with the host we are currentely checking links for |
The XmlFilterPlugin plugin is a plugin that is configured via xml and is able to add comments or skip checking links based or matching on string literals or regular expressions.
property | description |
linkchecker.xmlfilter.configfile | must point to the xmlfilter.xml file where the filter is configured |
The HTTPLinkCheckerPlugin plugin checks the validity of http links by sending a head or get request to the recieved link
property | description |
linkchecker.userAgent | Set the user agent used when checking links |
linkchecker.connectionTimeoutMillis | Sets the socket timeout in milliseconds (SO_TIMEOUT) when chekking links |
linkchecker.httpConnectionFactoryTimeoutMillis | Sets the timeout in milliseconds used when retrieving an HTTP connection from the HTTP connection manager |
linkchecker.numberOfThreads | Sets the number of concurently checking threads |
linkchecker.httpstatus.[HTTP_STATUS].badness | Based on recieved http status code "bad" points are added [HTTP_STATUS] must be replaced with a status code |
linkchecker.HttpRecoverableException.badness | Sets the badness for when a recoverable exception occurs |
linkchecker.UnknownHostException.badness | Sets the badness for when a UnknownHostException is thrown |
linkchecker.ConnectException.badness | Sets the badness for when a ConnectException is thrown |
linkchecker.IOException.badness | Sets the badness for when a IOException occurs that is not one of the ohter exeption mentioned. if thsi happens it might be a good idea to let a programmer look at what happend |
linkchecker.RuntimeException.badness | Idem as IOException but worse. this might me something that should be mail to the administrator and not the end user |
linkchecker.useHeadMethod | The best way to check a link is to "really" do a get request but often only doing a HEAD is enough. this saves a lot of trafic(and possibely out of memory errors) |
The ReportPlugin plugin creates and mails a report to the configured email address using an xsl stylesheet
property | description |
linkchecker.userAgent | Set the user agent used when checking links | | Set the host user for sending mail (via the SMTP protocol) | | Set the email address used as "from" when sending an email(example: | | Set the email name used as "from" when sending an email(example: Joop Foei | | Set the email BCC used as "bcc" when sending an email(example:, multiple address kan be added (;) separated | | to xsl to use to transform the xml report to html | | title of the linkcheck report (used in the email subject) |
Logging can be configured by editing net/sf/mmapps/modules/linkchecker/ This is a standard log4j configuration (manual). the two last rows are the httpclient configuration.
Here is a sample configuration:(also look at the current
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, A1 log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-9p %c{2} - %m%n log4j.logger.httpclient=OFF